Ibori Should be given Pardon

Chief James Ibori

*Present leaders worst than him

There is an adage that says that “the son of the spirit should be treated the way the son of the existing living being  was treated”. The happenings in the present Nigeria political scenario have shown that the former governor of Delta State, James Onanefe Ibori who was jailed in the United Kingdom is a saint when compared with the present political leaders who have taking to criminality as their life wire.

What baffled Nigerians was that they voted All Progressive Congress (AP) into power to correct the anomalies that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) created, which has led to poor governance, but instead of APC correcting it, the party’s leadership under President Muhammadu Buhari has one hundred percent encouraged the evils existing in the country. The leadership breeds, encourage and accept evil in the country.

It could be recalled that Ibori was convicted and jailed for money laundering. But today, those in APC and those decamping to the party have committed more than what Ibori did. And they are still stealing public funds with impunity without being dealt with according to law. Ibori, who is a lesser evil should be allowed to participate fully in the politics of the country. He is a full Nigerian and better than these present leaders of the country. Ibori must not be a vaccine of controversy.

Events in the country now have separated true statesmen from pretenders which the present leadership are, to that august status.

Despite Ibori’s criminal tendencies, he shared part of his loots to the downtrodden unlike these present leaders that have led this country on the brink of collapse, having stolen the common wealth of the nation keeping them for their families.

These impostors who are playing leadership role in this present political dispensation are enemies of the country and anti-democratic elements who want to stifle our nascent democracy, are running the risk of trying to undo the will of God, thus tempting providence. They are invariably inviting the wrath of Him, who saved us from Abacha’s nightmares. Nigeians should ignore the finished leaders and pursue all peaceful avenues that will ultimately guarantee us and our children a stronger, united Nigeria.


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