Mr President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, on behalf of well meaning Nigerians I write to express concerns about the bad happenings in the country which the prodigastic,unpatriotic, deceitful and corrupt administration of the People’s Democratic Party and All Progressive Congress has put the country into. When the APC took the shackles of government from the PDP, Nigerians thought the APC administration was going to correct all the anomalies. However it became unfortunate that the woos the APC satanic administration dragged the country into when former President Muhammadu Buhari took over became regrettable for Nigerians. When your dog starts barking at you, get to know that someone is feeding it better. A child born on a market day is not afraid of noise. Our history is replete with numerous and uncontrollable instances of callous and insensitive dominatory repressive intrigues by those who think it is their birthright to dominate till eternity the political and economic privileges of Nigeria to the exclusion of the masses. They have almost succeeded in subjugating the poor masses and making them voiceless. It is our unflinching belief that this quest for domination , oppression ,corruption and marginalization is against the wish of God and therefore must be resisted with vehemence. Anything that has beginning must have an end. Mr President you knew how you came to power. You were not the people’s choice or preferred candidate. Neither was your candidature’s criteria better than other contestants in the presidential race . But was declared winner and forced on Nigerians by the INEC and the Western nations for the reasons best known to them. For avoidance of doubt l need to state the primary reasons why l have decided to write you. The reasons are as follows.
First is the ECONOMY: It is indisputable to say that the APC government inherited collapsing economy from the PDP failed government. However it is unarguable to say the APC government finally collapsed the economy under the leadership of Muhammadu Buhari. Mr President for you to gain legitimacy and supports of the masses it is necessary to find the quickest way of revamping the economy so that the masses can breathe good life again. Anything short of this, your administration is finally doomed. Secondly, ELECTRICITY And WATER: These are parts of the major things that boost the economy of a nation. Your quick interventions in regards to electricity and water are must. Nigerians have been living for a long time without light and water, despite huge sums of money running into billions of naira claimed by successive governments to have been invested for availability of light and water. Those involved in the siphoning of the resources should be made to refund the money and be brought to book. Thirdly, the OIL SUBSIDY THIEVES/ OIL THIEVES: Nigerians are watching to know your actions against the Oil Subsidy Thieves and Oil Thieves. Many names of those involved in these high profile criminal activities have been mentioned. Fourthly, CORRUPTION : For you to claim you want to fight corruption, it means there should be no sacred cows. This is the mother of all evils. Every shortcomings of Nigeria is centered on corruption which you Mr President is not exempted. We know You and other corrupt Nigerians that brought Nigeria and Nigerians to this negative situation we presently found ourselves. Let’s hope you are now St Paul’s and Zachaeus in the bible that left their attrocious lives and followed Jesus Christ. You and others who wrecked this nation if truly repented should return all you stole to the country, for Nigerians to trust you are ready for the fight against corruption including public declaration of your assets. In this fight, because the entire system is rotten, the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary must be overhauled. Inclusive the security agencies, paramilitary, NNPC, CBN, EFCC, INEC, NIMASA, ICPC and other government departments. Cases of lbrahim Magu, Bawa, Falida, all of EFCC, Maina of Pensions, Emefiele of CBN, Former CJN Justice Onorghen and other high profile corruption cases that have been swept under the carpet or still pending should be treated accordingly. And those found wanting should be dealt with according to the law. All recovered loots of Abacha and others should be made public and their whereabouts. Pensions paid to ex-governors should be halted and refunded.
The issue of EDUCATION AND HEALTH SECTORS should also be treated as a matter of urgency. A situation where our Education Sector has been turned into gathering of children together like sheep without shepherd or the Health Sector being turned into government tunnel where the masses are sent to their untimely death is unacceptable. Public Office Holders should be stopped from going for medical treatments abroad.
Mr President you have a lot of problems that require urgent attentions in Nigeria, why you have decided to dive into Niger ‘s issues leaving your country’s problems unresolved left us wondering. If you didn’t know? Please know it now that neither you nor the self acclaimed African leaders has or have the right to dictate what happens in any country in Africa. The people of Niger are the only people that decide who rules them. When they were going through the human economic pains where were you and the said African leaders? It is clear that the aim of you leaders coming together is to defend your selfish interest and nothing more. Amongst you leaders that are opposing the new military rule in Niger, how many of you as a leader in your country have done well? Mr President, it is better you face your country’s problems squarely to profer solutions and pray fervently that what is happening in Niger and some other African countries do not happen in Nigeria. What you have to know is, there is a wind of change blowing globally as peoples of different nations are against bad leadership. That is also why you should further abandon the criminal Western world and America who destroyed African nations and are encouraging same sex marriages. Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn. Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty. Injustice anywhere is a throat to justice everywhere. We should dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself. Concerning those you have appointed to run the government with you, one did not see light in the tunnel. Same recycling of old dead woods that have nothing to offer but to continue to steal public funds. Most of those you appointed for the Ministerial and other positions have been in government for a very long time. What positve impacts have they made to the success of Nigeria? Rather than stealing the national cake. A man who makes trouble for others is making trouble for himself. Mr President, l shall write you again in near future but for now l shall leave you to ponder on the issues l raised in this epistle. Thanks and God bless


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