Zion Editor-in-Chief Writes Buhari’s APC Government on the State of the Nation


It takes about seven strawberries to equal the amount of vitamin C in one orange about three inches in diameter.
As a Nigerian, one feels ashamed always that a country of over two hundred million population since her inception continued to produce people of lesser qualities to run her affairs. It was bade on this insinuation that Nigerians came together to vote into power the Buhari’s led APC government to bring an end to the era of Presidet Goodluck Jonathan’s PDP led visionless bad government, thinking that the APC’s led government would redirect the country to a positive direction. Unfortunately, Nigerians regret voting the Buhari’s led APC cubatan complex government into power.
So when I hear or read of the claimed testimonies of achievements of your government by your APC, I wonder whether I live in another planet, because these blasphemous chest beating achievements were nothing to write about in the book of truth. Then I always asked whether is it not this directionless Buhari’s APC led government that has almost led the country to destruction?
The Buhari’s APC led government, I advise you seek the face of God, because your sins are so numerous that it is only the Almighty God that has the right to forgive you. The blood of innocent Nigerians on the government will make anybody that served with you to have direct access to hell fire if he or she failed to seek God.
The country became a collapsed total nation under Buhari’s APC led government. The country is now a wild, wild west and a gory nation to behold.
Your exit from the government, which we are counting on days and handing over to another APC government will expose more of the dangerous clouds gathering in the country’s firmament.
Buhari’s APC led government is a disgrace to the country and will continue to be unforgotten for evils like Goodluck Jonatham’s PDP led government.
As a Nigerian, I have sat down to study and analyse background of Buhari’s and those that make up the APC. In view of your past apotheosis and your shocking dismal performance of your government so far, it is unnecessary to mention the findings since most well meaning Nigerians have completely addressed them.
However, it is important to review you and your government’s performance since you came into power.
For eight good years the nation accorded you such servile obeisance on the understanding that you inherited a weak and collapsing nation and anything after Goodluck Jonathan’s PDP government was bearable. Nigerians were hopeful you had what it takes to lead them to a better Nigeria. What will now pass as your government’s mythical image of a great achiever and statesman prevailed on even the doubting Thomases to believe you were divinely anointed? But few weeks to the completion of your office tenure of two terms, it is clear now to Nigerians and your satanic praise singers that you are not the messiah and leader the country has been expecting. If in the past, the ship of the State became rudderless due to poor handling by unskilled captains, you as the present captain decided to sleep dreaming God will steer the ship physically. When you awaken, you operate a theocracy, ruling from the alter. Your administration has been characterized by too much promises and boastfulness about good ideas, which Nigerians now realized that you don’t even believe in. The outcome has been a worsening of the nation and the citizenry conditions.
Yes, your administration took over a week economy from the failed Goodluck Jonathan’s PDP led government. It is a fact that because you were not prepared for a true leadership, since coming into power your government has destroyed the entire sector of the economy, irrespective that we depend on oil mostly. High level corruption had further compounded the problem. Although you had positively identified it as an anomaly in your numerous fine speeches and promised to checkmate it. You have shown you had some of the best plans for economic recovery theoretically. But insincerity and ineptitude ensured that such plans remained mere paper tigers as the economy on daily basis continued to collapse, misappropriating public funds by members of your government have become the order of the day, while accountability, which is the key to good management has been sacrificed.
The refineries remain shut inspite of the billions spent for their rehabilitation. This poor infrastructure has necessitated the closure of many of our industries. Capacity utilization for the remaining industries has fallen badly. This has impacted adversely on the employment rate.
The social service sector has faced worse neglect. Most tertiary institutions here remained closed for several months of your two term office tenure. Education is apparently not one of your government’s priorities. At this rate, it will take more than the years required for a university student to graduate. Very soon, our country will resort to the import of professionals. Our hospitals have since been declined from their consultancy status to mortuaries. At this rate, those hospitals will adopt traditional methods of healing since our universities are likely to lose their accreditation to train doctors and paramedical staff due to poor funding. It is confirmable that Nigerians have never experienced this level of social distress and dislocation. Over 80 percent of Nigerians have fallen below poverty line, thanks to your inhuman policies. Due to mismanagement, your government is always short of funds even though the price of oil has consistently been well above the budgeted figures. Your response has always been to devise an easy way to further take loans upon loans to the detriment of the economy. Your deregulation and monetization policies are premised on wrong assumptions and gross incompetence.
Mr. President, I must be bold to tell you that nobody believes in your anti-corruption war any more. In fact, many now find your exhortations as a plain insult to their intelligence. Although you claim to have deployed weapons of mass destruction against corruption, Nigeria has sunk to the position of one of the most corrupt nations in the world during your government. Although corruption is now wide spread in all levels of government, but the truth remains that over 80 percent of it occurs in the presidency.
The 2023 elections was nothing but a charade, orchestrated by you Mr. President and your APC government to further destroy the Nigeria nation, from where the PDP government you took over from stopped. Both domestic and international observers have declared the elections as flawed and the mandate that is again bringing back another APC government into power is not the mandate of the people in accordance with the Constitution and the electoral laws.
It is well known that the APC presidential primaries were characterized by manipulation, settlement, intimidation and high wired inducements. Who does not know that the APC presidential primary was bought by the highest bidder?
This conclusion is plausible in view of your dismal performance in your government’s two term office tenure. The danger, which this precedent has set in the Nigeria history has already started manifesting.
As you go into retirement after your evil deeds to the people of Nigeria and the country, your conscience will be left to judge you whether you are having a peaceful retirement or a regretful retirement.


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