Acts 5:17-26
John 3:16-21


For the disciples of Jesus, there was no going back. They have taken the faith in Jesus Christ as the ultimate. Even in the midst of the harassment of the Chief priest, the leaders of the Jews, the Pharisees and their cohorts, Christ must be preached, proclaimed and the salvation made known to people.

So, the threats witnessed by John and Peter did not deter them from going ahead to preach and proclaim the message of Christ, the message of salvation. And even at this, they were still pursued, arrested and put in prison for just proclaiming the message.

The dramatic and miraculous deliverance of the apostles would have sent shocking waves in the minds of the leaders who found the supposed apostles who were locked up in prison preaching and proclaiming the message of Christ in the synagogues. The steadfastness and constancy of the apostles was something else.

It would have arisen from their faith and belief that as Jesus told Nicodemus in today’s gospel, it is the overwhelming means to save the world, the light that has come to enlighten our darkness, the joy of the world and supremely the greatest love God gave to humanity in bringing his only begotten Son into the world .

For Nicodemus was instructed by Jesus on the greatest love that God has given to mankind in bringing Jesus to the World. It was not therefore a small matter for this to happen. In Jesus is the greatest treasure for humanity. In Jesus, is the light that will enlighten the world. In Jesus is the power of darkness defeated and salvation given to man.

To be in Jesus therefore is light, happiness and salvation. The need to hold on to Jesus and tell the world about him leaves the disciples no option and indeed should leave all who believe in Jesus no other option in life.

For in Jesus is the love of God our Father made manifest in its greatest way. It is in Jesus that salvation for mankind is brought to its fulfillment. Walking with Jesus is the victory over the world gained and light given to mankind and darkness defeated

This is the only way and the ultimate way man is redeemed, saved and admitted into eternity. The condemnation of man is also when Jesus is not accepted and the love of God is jettisoned.

Understanding this, the apostles of Jesus had no option but to be steadfast and constant in faith and live with Jesus and true to their calling. We must follow them too and learn this basic truth if we desire life, happiness, salvation and eternity.

God our Father, grant that we may understand the eternal value and importance of our lives in Christ. May we work and live in the light of Christ and proclaim daily the message of Christ eagerly and remain steadfast and constant in the striving to attain perfection of virtues and glory in eternity through Christ our Lord.
Fr Norbert Uchuno


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