St Patrick’s College Asaba Old Boys’ Association To Hold National Election


One of the premier colleges Alma mater in Nigeria, St Patrick’s College Asaba Old Boys’ Association of Nigeria, will hold her national election on Saturday, June 15th,2024. The branches both home and abroad will send 10 delegates each to cast their votes.
Casting of votes will be done online because of modern technologies.
The election committee headed by Noble Patrician Peter Egbuchie, has confirmed that the committee which has set fair playing ground for the candidates is prepared for the election. And all the necessary materials have been made available for the purpose of the election.
ZN garnered that the Presidents of the association’s branches,who are automatically the National Vice Presidents as by the association’s constitution have mobilized their branches in readiness for the election.
It’s a known fact that the association has been without an elected National Executive Committee for sometime.
Some of the candidates that spoke to ZN confirmed that they are fully and well prepared for the election despite it’s not a do or die affair. They stated that the election is a nobility one because the members of the association are noble people.
Amongst the positions to be contested include, National President, National General Secretary, Assistant National General Secretary, National Financial Secretary, National Treasurer, National Publicity Secretary, National Legal Adviser etc.


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