All Progressives Congress’s Political Gladiator, Ngozi Olejeme, who was the National Deputy Director of Humanitarian and Social, in the APC Presidential Campaign Council, was visited by the APC Women Leader, Dr Mary Alile Idele. She was accompanied by her Deputy and Women Leaders from the South-South Zone.
Ngozi Olejeme, appreciated the visit and accepted it as an honour for her to host the National Women Leader, the Deputy and Women Leaders from the South-South Zone. However, she also appreciated Her Excellency, Senator Oluremi Tinubu, the wife of the President,for the enabling environment created by her for women in Nigeria, to be integrated into governance by the various appointments given to them in the present government, including the leadership roles and responsibilities presently played by the Nigerian women. Without hesitation, she gave kudos to the leadership of the party, having described the National Women Leader as a smart and intelligent woman who represents a new era of life for the women of Nigeria. Stating further, she advised the National Women Leader and her Deputy to be committed and be sure to leave behind an outstanding legacy. Stressing, Ngozi Olejeme, said to the women leadership”you have the task of supporting Mr President in building a strong and full of energy democracy that entailed sustainable economic development and social advancement of women Nigeria.” Said Ngozi Olejeme, the women are looking up to you for direction as their voice in the party.
She made reference to how God used her to turn the NSITF, which was moribund when she took over as the Chairperson into feasible government institution that has continued to provide long time welfare for Nigerian workers.
Continuing, she advised that Nigeria’s women should not weaken their potentials, because what God did through her for Nigeria’s workers showed that Nigeria’s women can perform and deliver, as such women should look inward. She further pledged her continued support towards the advancement of APC, as well as the general uplifting of women in the South-South Zone, Nigeria and globally.
The National Women Leader never failed to show appreciation to Ngozi Olejeme, for receiving and hosting them significantly, describing her as a leader with difference. She further assured the Nigeria’s women that under her leadership she would carry them along, speak for them as well as get results.


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