
    MONDAY JANUARY 22, 2024
    2 Samuel 5:1-7.10
    Mark 3:22-30


    Many a time we struggle against the obvious and we loose. We fight God thinking we are fighting men. We suppose that we can hold on against the successes of others and wishing them failure. But most times all these are fruitless efforts because God’s blessings on others can never be reversed. Fighting anyone whom God has blessed or even criticizing or castigating one whom God has appointed and blessed is fruitless and effort waisted.

    David whom God has appointed and anointed king over Israel was being resisted by the Jebusites but David won that victory and took them in to form the United kingdom of Israel of both the northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom into one entity and David ruled over them for years. It happened so because the Lord has so blessed David and granted him the Favour of being King over his people and no one could change this situation.

    In the gospel, the good works, the healings and the casting out of the demons carried out by Jesus was being undermined and even criticized by the scribes. Their jealousy had led them to conclude and even deny that these works were done by the mercy of God. Instead they resorted to attributing such actions to the demons and to Belzebbull out of their hatred and resistance of the actions of Jesus Christ.

    Not recognizing the blessings of God and the whole situation of attributing the actions of God to demons became a great sin and Jesus uses it to teach us the great lesson of sins that has eternal consequences. Such sins as sin against the Holy Spirit which is obstinacy, denial of the actions of God, refusal to acknowledge the works and the mercy of God, unrepentant hearts and non acknowledgement of God’s blessings or forgiveness. All these attract such condemnation as sins against the Holy Spirit. We must never allow ourselves to indulge in such sins. We must call sins what it is and recognize it for what it is, and plead for God’s mercy with a repentant heart and mind.

    Our ego, our pride, jealousy, envy and unrepentant heart must never drive us to the extent of not recognizing the hand of God in our lives or in the lives of others.

    Again, we must always acknowledge and key into God’s plans for our lives and the lives of others, without resistance or showing actions inimical to their wellbeing. Appointed persons, blessed person, authorities over us must never be undermined or rejected. Even our superiors in offices, leaders in any way or place must be given their due and respect with obedience and submissiveness to their decisions. They must never be resistance, castigation, and unhealthy criticisms rather cooperation, trust, and care and working together in commitment which helps unity, progress and good actions.

    Heavenly Father, you appoint whoever you desire into places of authority, and you also grant blessings and favours to persons you want. Grant that we may learn to respect your ordinances, work cooperatively with them, building up a united humanity, happy society and redeemed persons in Christ. We entrust this week into your care, lead us, guide us, provide us with all we need, and fill our lives with happiness as you bless our undertakings and our lives through Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno.


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