Why Military Option Best for Nigeria


    An orgy of blood-letting and economic disaster set off by Nigerian leadership and APC/PDP political class have totally become echoes of blood.  The present Nigeria nation has seriously been pushed to a tight corner as gangsters in the name of politicians take over and the people of Nigeria are left to suffer physically, economically and spiritually.

    Nigeria is presently boiling over bad leadership, bad economy, banditry, robbery, terrorism, prostitution, open and secret murder, corruption etc. Those in leadership have refused to bring an end to these menaces in our society instead they encourage them because they are profiting from them.  One cannot deny that Nigerians have lost trust and faith in the Nigerian Leadership and resorted to hoping in God the Creator.

    Based on this development, Nigerians are calling on the military to do the needful before it would be too late for the country to be rescued. The PDP and APC government have crumbled the country since both took over the Leadership of the nation. The economy of the nation has been siphoned by these political parties’ leadership.

    In order to continue to be in control of the country’s leadership and be able to continue stealing the  Commonwealth of the nation, the leadership has continued to encourage evils in the country. Over ninety five percent of the country’s resources are being used in servicing one percent of the population (leadership and politicians) while ninety nine percent of the entire population are left to suffer.

    What is presently happening in Nigeria is worst than what the Malians were facing before military struck. Nigerian military should do same. No right thinking Nigerian will deny that the only way out of this dilemma in Nigeria is for the military to take over the leadership.

    Everywhere in Nigeria, there is gang war, blood letting, intimidation, torture, destruction of properties etc. These may be Scary words or phrases, but they aptly describe the sordid happenings in Nigeria.

    The bones of contention by these leaders are wealth, sit tight in leadership and making sure their children, children’s children, family members and close associates continue to be in leadership after them.

    All hope is not gone or lost for Nigeria and Nigerians, if only the military will make a fresh  move to  terminating the former, present and political bastards that are holding Nigeria and Nigerians hostage.

    Nigerians will further appreciate the military to recover all the loots from these political idiots and be made to face the law with their family members.

    Nigerians are disgusted. They are dismayed. The psychology of the country now is that of distrust. So in this milieu of these crises, the military is the only option.

    Late president Jerry Rawlings, took up military actions in Ghana. Since then Ghana has been re-positioned.

    Now that we are in the grip of a grave national crisis, the military should pick up the courage as the only hope of the common man in Nigeria to conquer evil with good. These satanic forces in leadership and political class should be booted away for Nigeria to positively move forward. Presently Nigeria is in a big mess eaten up by locusts who are our leaders and politicians.


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