
    WEDNESDAY JUNE 19, 2024
    ST ROMUALD, ABB. (Opt. Mem.)
    2 Kings 2:2:1. 6-14
    Matthew 6:1-6. 16-18


    People have reasons for their actions as well as motivations that makes them act in life. What actually motivates our actions towards God, towards others and towards ourselves?

    In todays gospel, Jesus questions the motivations for our actions in these three dimensional modes. What motivates our actions towards God? When we pray, why do we pray? Do we engage in prayer because of personal gains, public acclamations and to attract praise of men? In the same wise, when alms are given to the other person, what reasons back up this action? When we give alms do we give such for praise of men and to show off? Or do we engage in such for the reasons of being praised also by men? And even when we engage in actions for our benefits like fasting, do we do such again for self gratification or for praise of God?

    In questioning the reasons behind our action, Jesus wants to correct us on the real motivation that must be at the basis of our actions towards God, towards others and towards self. Our lives must never be a display to the world. We are created not to impress the world. And we gain nothing making every effort to show off and impress the world or people. So there is not gain in living our lives for others.

    All our motivations in life must be to please God and serve our creator, and to contribute to humanity and enhance our state in earth. We live to add to human endeavor according to the precise gifts and talents God has given us.

    Our motivations must stem therefore from the fact that we are trying to keep to the divine mandate, to please our creator and be of service to our human sphere. So our prayer life must be directed to the glory and honour of our God. When we pray, let our prayer always be done in secret for the God who sees in secret will reward our efforts, since it is our personal efforts towards keeping our relationship with our God and communing with him. So any action done with our creator must be focused for the glory and honour of our God alone.

    Our charitable actions and works of almsgiving likewise must be for the glory of God since nothing really comes from us. Every gifts, talents and endowment are given us from God our Father for the benefits and service of humanity. So when we give alms we return to God all that he has given and use them for the intended purpose. So there is nothing else we do than directing our gifts to the supposed purpose and function. It should never be for our pride, boastfulness and arrogance.

    And when we fast as well, we are only helping ourselves to overcome and attending to our weaknesses in order to overcome obstacles in our spiritual and temporal growth. In doing so, we are only attending to our wellbeing and giving it back to God. This also must be done in secret.

    There should be no pride and arrogance or boastfulness in any of these actions directed to God, others persons and to self. The motivations for our actions in the spiritual and temporal orders must be reorientated to the honour and glory of our God and for our salvation.

    Heavenly Father, grant that we may understand the motivations for our actions toward you, towards other people and towards ourselves. Give us humble and simple minds and hearts in acting and living. May our daily prayers be acceptable to you, our fasting and works of charity bring us abundant blessings of peace, happiness and graces through Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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