

    They are persistent and disingenuous in their hate propaganda against me,my dynasty and our politics.

    Their strategy never changes… “anything bad must be linked to his name to ensure that Ibusa sees him as the problem and not a blessing”.

    Unfortunately this strategy has given the traditional haters of Fred Ajudua few disgruntled followership without meaningful impact on the targeted Audience,but they are still working hard,I wish them safe journey cos I know what will be the outcome,grand, comprehensive and total failure.

    I monitored how through their hate headquarters in London and Lagos they tried to link me with the youth fracas that led to the unfortunatel death of a young soul,may his soul rest in peace.

    The truth they will not tell you is that the feud was between two youth groups fighting over influence and land and took it upon themselves to go without prompting to demarcate their ancestral land without the knowledge of their elders.

    The land in question does not belong to my area of influence in any power of attorney to be issued or already issued by any group or village.

    In other words I don’t know the location of the land in dispute,have never visited the site in person,have never sent my legal and property firm there,my staff are not directly and remotely connected to the event that led to the fracas.

    But as usual they must involve my shadows no matter how remote to justify their stand that the problem is power of attorney.

    Let me restate my professional and community stand,I don’t accept power of attorney in Ibusa or any Enuani community without reconciling the feuding parties,that policy is deliberate and not legal and the reason is simple,I hold over 30 chieftaincy titles in Delta north alone and I can’t be seen as divisive in those communities,hence the reconciliation.

    Ibusa is my birth place and remains my final abode on my demise,I have invested my resources I got else where to develop Ibusa and won’t do anything to destroy what God has used me to build.

    Those who continue to form platforms of hate centres should continue,but one thing I will assure them is that evil has a terminal date, pulling me down will not give them an edge over me before Ibusa people and God.

    As i sympathize with the families of those that lost their son in the avoidable fracas and the houses that were razed,I urge you all to be vigilant this period and don’t walk with anybody’s legs, don’t see with anybody’s eyes and don’t think or reason with anybody’s brain.
    Be yourself and be careful of hate merchants that believes that Fred Ajudua must go down for them to go up.

    As investigation progresses, without preempting it’s outcome,I can tell you authoritatively that Fred Ajudua can not and will never superintendent,Instigate or cause any Ibusa man or human being elsewhere to lose his or her dear life.

    Life is the greatest gift from God to man,what you can’t create you don’t have power to destroy.

    As the traditional haters and political opponents as usual gang up to rope us into this unfortunate fracas,God in his infinite mercy will continue to guide us and protect Ibusa from the hands of evil doers.

    Once more, I sue for peace in Ibusa.

    Unu gadi..

    21st October 2023


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