Nigeria is more united while practicing regional development through parliamentary system of government than federal system of government. I am totally in support of distinguish Senator Prince Ned Munir Nwoko’s advocacy for a parliamentary system of government.

Nigeria can never experience true federalism because the mentality of some regions are infested with a disease called regional egocentric syndrome barbarically hypnotized with religious fanaticism.

Nigeria as a nation must go back to the 1957 referandum. The 1957 constitution is the only opium that can redeem Nigeria from its failing state and until some politicians wake up to sail along the line of matured political drive, the future political drive of Nigeria’s democracy will never see the light of true democratic system of government. It will continue to be a fool at forty.

We must take a firm stand to do the right thing and follow the right course. As a matter of fact, Nigerians under this unclear or direction less federal system of government are just living but not existing.

When you travel to developed nations you see citizens living and at same time existing with good government policies, but in Nigeria, we are just living but not existing with no government presence or assistance to the citizens of Nigeria.

Until we detest compromising our sovereignty with unpatriotic ideology, we are just living but not existing.

The national anthem can only be meaningful when our way of life most especially in government reflect the very essence of its rhythmical, passionate, compassionate and patriotic vowels of indisputable sovereignty.

We must differentiate our beings or thinking faculty from that of animals. We must go back to the parliamentary system of government which practice true regional development.

Our problem is not all about changing the national anthem, but putting off the clothes of greed, regional sectionalism, selfishness and religious fanaticism.

Our education and qualifications can only be meaningful when we can only define the true essence of our existence as a people.

We must wear new clothes that must fit the very essence found on our national anthem wether the first or second stanza. We must be determine to change or take our mentality or mind eyes away from the depleting ideology of consumption to the very height of production mentality.

We should be ashamed of ourselves that at 64 we are still just undergoing 20% construction phase as an independent nation.

If we must build this nation, we must come out to take the right decisions that will give us the right results we desire.

We must be determine never to leave more problems for the unborn to solve, but be deliberate to wake up and be problem solvers. Good morning Nigerians.


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