
    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 16, 2024
    Isaiah 58:1-9
    Matthew 9:14-15


    Is it useful observing fast during this Lenten period? What actually is the church’s norm on fasting? In its simplest way, the catholic faith teaches that fasting is an obligation permitting a person to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a meal. It is permitted only for those within the age brackets of 18 to 59 years. But on this also the bishop’s Conference can determine the age, increase or decrease it.

    The church also emphasizes abstinence joined to fasting as a means of mortification. And abstinence is refraining from something that is good for a just cause, like not eating meat on Fridays of Lent. But these are ways of penance and making atonement for sins as well as uplifting the soul of man against the appetites and desires of the flesh that holds man hostage to derail his life from God.

    In the gospel passage of today, the Pharisees questions why the disciples of Jesus were not observing fast as the disciples of John and themselves were observing. Jesus uses the occasion to teach us the necessity and value of fast. As long as the bridegroom was with them, that is Jesus himself they will be no need to fast.

    At this time, Jesus was with his disciples and daily walked and worked with them. His presence alone gives energy, protection and grace. But when he is no more with them, then the battle will begin, their fleshy desires and appetite can blurr their vision, coarse their hearts and minds. The battle to overcome these desires of the flesh and to fight them can be attained only by abstaining, punishing, consciously denying self of it and beating the body to subject it to the authority of the spirit.

    The prophet Isaiah therefore leads us to understand the great value and intentions in the discipline of fasting in our first reading today. It is to be able to practice virtue, to live in compassion, to show love and affection to the downtrodden, to liberate the enslaved and to offer help to the needy. Until our fast and abstinence leads us and gains for us all these thing and the disposition in doing these things, our prayer may never be heard and our sins may not be blotted out.

    The value of fasting and abstinence is only fruitful to the extent that our lives are transformed from sinfulness to righteousness, from wickedness to compassion, from selfishness to generosity and we become a sacrifice for others for the sake of the kingdom of God. Fasting is necessary to overcome the desires of the flesh, to put first in our lives and in place things that are not necessary in life. It is our way of growing in grace, and maintaining the life of God in us.

    Heavenly Father, in this Lenten season, you call us all to mortify ourselves through fast and abstinent each. Help us to understand the value of fasting and grant that we may observe and follow the rules of fasting and abstinence. May our hearts be lifted up, our sins forgiven and our lives hunger for you our God and your ways all the days of our Lives as we observe this fast this season. Do not let us go empty handed through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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