
    TUESDAY MAY 7, 2024
    Act 16:22-34
    John 16:5-11


    In anticipation of the coming of the Holy Spirit, the church begins to prepare our minds of the great value and importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. To think that we can actually carry on with the task of making Christ known, loved and accepted by ourselves alone and without the influence of the Holy Spirit is an impossible task.

    Jesus in the gospel foretells of his intention and coming event of his going back to the Father. The sadness in the heart of the disciples seem to suggest to Jesus that the disciples were feeling abandoned, dejected and despaired. This would have prompted the whole reason why Jesus decided to console and equally lecture the disciples on the value and importance of his going away and the great needs and value of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

    For Jesus, his departure will be more beneficial to the disciples because the Holy Spirit that he will send, “will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation:….” The battle of life and purity of life rages when Jesus leaves the world, but it is the Holy Spirit that will be our great companions and strength to remind, to energize, to help us uphold the values that detaches us and gives us the impetus to abhor sin, to pursue righteousness and to protect us against condemnation.

    The known example of the protective nature of the Holy Spirit is the protection of Paul and Silas as they were thrown into the prison and made to suffer for the faith they proclaimed. Recall that their offense was because they preached the words of God advocating for a life of purity, the way of Christ and urging people to seek righteousness that leads to life eternal. This prompted the whole jealousy and punishment of being flogged by the Jewish authorities and later thrown into the prison to suffer.

    But the power of the Holy Spirit was called down when Paul and Silas kept praying and singing praises to God. The manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit was like an earthquake that opened the prison doors and meant to set free Paul and Silas and indeed all the prisoners.

    But Paul and Silas who did not escape sought to save the life of the prison guard who on finding the prison door opened would have taken his life. Again Paul and Silas continuing the work of proclaiming the message of salvation, caused this guard and his household to be saved, as he was overwhelmed by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit which prompted his quest for repentance, baptism and inclusion into the household of God.

    The mission of the Holy Spirit to release from sin, to call to repentance, to lead to life of righteousness and back to the ways of God as well as protecting and saving the lives of the preachers were accomplished.

    Our gains as Christian with the coming of the Holy Spirit enhances our salvation with the Spirit’s companionship, conviction and saving mysteries. We are saved and made whole by His coming to us. Let us then await patiently and embrace the spirit for our well-being and salvation.

    God our Father, Paul and Silas witnessed the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in a great way which convinced them of your abiding presence and deliverance in the midst of their difficulties. Grant that we may continue to witness same presence and deliverance in our lives and be content and zealous with proclaiming you our God in our lives in all we do through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno.


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