
    SATURDAY MAY 4, 2024
    Acts 16:1-10
    John 15:18-21


    Every disciple of Christ knows the dangers in the mission of spreading the gospel. Three specific hazards have been pointed out in the scriptures which are the flesh, the world and the devil. These are the enemies of the soul.

    Jesus warns us against the world in today’s gospel. He talks of persecution. To have been persecuted himself is a clear indication that we must expect and accept persecution as well. It is one of the hazards in the mission. When Jesus talks about the world persecuting us, what actually does that mean in our time now.

    It means everything that arises from the world or that comes from the world to negate or stop us from doing that which the gospel wants us to do. It means all and everything that infringes on the Christian mission, teachings and ideals as a result of the world. And we know that the world has its over bearing influence on the mission of Christ and the Christians.

    It is not just the opposition and the hostility that comes from the non Christian world. It also admits all those things that infringes on the complete adherence to the teachings and ideals of the Christian spirit. There are many in our world. They bear so much influence and tend to frustrate, undermine and even negate the teachings of Christ and mission of Christians.

    Material things in the World distracts Christian mission greatly and creates a lot of scandals, the worldly pull to succumb to its hedonistic tendencies. The pull to seek pleasure of all kind, sexual, property, wealth, excessive happiness at all cost, and unguarded lifestyle. These days we are witnessing dressings, head-styles, choices of lifestyles that are obscene, explosive, sexually harassing others, and sometimes irresponsible expression of freedom.

    Before now, our world has shown forms of hostile persecution that have taken away the life of Christians like saint stephen witnessed, when he was stoned to death. These are expected. But the style is changing rapidly and becoming more intense and hidden or rather unknowing to the people. It has even spilt into lifestyles that look enticing in name, like different forms of cultism, gay world, transgender and all other sexual misconducts and depravations. And these determine most times ones employment for job opportunities and sustenance in some quarters.

    Saint Paul and his companions had to battle with such tendencies in their missionary activities. But he was vigilant and confronted these with resolute determination and discernment. At one point, Paul undertook and circumcised Timothy even against the ruling of the Council of Jerusalem. He was very careful to listen to the dictates of the Holy Spirit and followed the leadership of the Holy Spirit even in the cities and villages he evangelized as we read in the first reading today.

    Jesus warns us on the antics, the dangers and the hazards in the mission. We must heed this warning and never allow ourselves to be trapped by the world and it’s allurement.

    God our Father, we are persecuted today by the world with its varied antics. Deliver us and save us from the world’s enticement and pleasures. Help us to overcome the world’s temptations. Keep us strong in faith, docile to the Holy Spirit, and attentive to its instructions with the disposition to work with the Holy Spirit and be guarded in the right course through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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