
    Jeremiah 17:5-10
    Luke 16:19-31


    There is always the tendency for man to be overwhelmed by so much riches. It could blind us to the reality of our existence. And the pleasures and glamour of material wealth could put us in danger of loosing our heads and becoming oppressive, insensitive and over bloated.

    The tendency of the material world and lure of riches to leave man cruel to his fellow man is high. The worse is the tendency of man putting so much trust, energy, and time to seeking ways of acquiring such riches as if they last forever. And because of the comfort, and momentary satisfaction and pleasure it gives, the level of forgetfulness of man’s mortality and the attendant disconnect with his purpose on earth and his destination at last becomes high too.

    This can be said to have happened in the biblical story of the rich man and Lazarus in the gospel of today. The rich man in life became entirely removed and disconnected from the poor man who seats at the entrance of his house. He was so insensitive and beclouded by his riches to the extent that even the dogs recognizes the needs of Lazarus more and could occasionally offer help. But the rich man was rather preoccupied with self and trust his wealth to the exclusion of all.

    The leveler of all men in the world is death. That is the return to what and where we really are. Riches and poverty are states in life but both never stays forever. There is time for them. And this time frame determines the consequences of our eternity.

    For the rich man who relies heavily and trusted in his wealth, using his wealth to oppress, to enjoy himself at the exclusion of others, the end effect is eternal fire and damnation. But for Lazarus who had nothing but made to live at the mercy of the world, his eternal reward is life in the blossom of Abraham.

    We must beware of the evil of riches and never trust in man or riches. It was the prophet Jeremiah who gave this warning in our first reading of today. Trusting in man and physical or material riches brings at last disappointment, sorrow and evil to the soul of man. And such trust in riches and material things are always seen when we allot to ourselves alone the things of the world. It begins from being greedy, chasing material wealth for our aggrandizement and using such material things basically for self alone.

    When we pursue material things and never give a thought to their uses in the service of God and humanity, then it becomes evil and disadvantageous for us and our eternity. Again, when we rely heavily on material things to provide us comfort, happiness and peace of m5ind in this world and we invest all our time to acquiring as much as we could grab, then we are on the way to getting lost.

    The use of material possession must never be compromised. We must use such for God’s glory, recognizing that it is only a gift and not even for ourselves particularly but for the service of humanity. Such should always be our intention and desires, otherwise, we acquire to loose and risk our eternal heritage.

    Be always alert never to be beclouded, engrossed and overwhelmed by our wealth but see it always as means of service to God and humanity no matter how small or big it may appear.
    Never trust in man or material things.

    Heavenly Father, you endow us with worldly gifts, money, wisdom, and material prosperity. May we never be beclouded, overwhelmed and engrossed by these things. Rather may we always use all we posses to serve the poor, the destitute, the disadvantaged and those sent into our lives. Give us greater insight never to love riches but to love you above all and service you with our riches through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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