
    FRIDAY MAY 17, 2024
    Acts 25:13-21
    John 21:15-19


    When Jesus questioned Peter in the gospel of today on how much love he had for him, the target was to bring Peter to understand the truth and scope of what loving God is. The question Jesus addressed to Peter is “Simon, Son of John, do you love me more than these?” The answer given by confused Peter was very simply. “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Three times this question was put before Peter.

    But at the response of Peter, Jesus pointed out a more practical and a more demanding acts of showing love when Jesus tells Peter, “Tend my sheep” and “Feed my sheep.” Love of God must be expressed in works of love, devotion to charity, sacrifices to be undertaken and burdens to bear. It does not end in mere talks. Recall that Peter had promised this love before the crucifixion of Jesus and later betrayed Jesus by denying him three times.

    But this time, Jesus wants to drive home what loving him consists of. Judging again from the fatigue and uncommon impatience that Peter had shown when he took the other disciples to his former profession of fishing, it was at this scene that Jesus approached him and then questioned him on his sincerity of love.

    So, to crown is all, Jesus goes ahead to stress what love he wants and expects from his followers. He tells Peter, “Amen, amen, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to dress yourself and go where you wanted; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go. …. And when he had said this, he said to him, “Follow me.”

    The kind of love and followership that Jesus expects from his disciples is one that is selfless, self giving , total and dedicated. It means you give up everything. It is not one that seeks self gratification or that is half measured. Love for Jesus is total.

    Jesus shows us the same example by his coming as man. Saint Paul in his letter to the Philippians talks about his coming as man in Philippians 2:6-12. That though he was in the form of God, Jesus did not count his equality with God, but emptied himself and took the nature of a slave and became man. Not just as man but submitted himself to death, death on a cross. This is the kind of total submission that love demands. It stems from true love of God.

    Our first reading also details the kind of suffering and self abandonment that Paul went through in the hands of rulers for the sole purpose of preaching the gospel. And at last, Paul was sentenced to death and crucified upside down. This is love displayed and love in action.

    Christians are called to love unconditionally and to give up self totally in the act of love. Love until it hurts and love to the point of self giving. We must love the person of Christ, the assignment given us in him and the different tasks assigned us. And we do this with the same spirit and dedication of giving up ourselves to the mission he has sent us. We must not indulge in self protection, self gain or seeking unnecessary attention, pleasure or material acquisition. Rather our love of Jesus in our mission must show in acts of charity, devotion to duty, acceptance of circumstances and conditions of our work as Paul did wholeheartedly when he was dragged from one prison to another, from one ruler to another and from one accusation to another. Our dedication must be be total. This is the love that Jesus seeks from us. Help us Lord to love you selflessly.

    Heavenly Father, you desire that we love you selflessly, devotedly and unconditionally. Give us your spirit to animate our hearts to love you more and grow in the science of loving you and neighbour. May we never falter or be cold or seek self gratification but always intent on pleasing you our good God through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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