
    Don’t choose the one that is beautiful to the world, but rather choose the one who makes your world beautiful.
    An army of a sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lion led by a sheep.
    The macabre dance which President Bola Tinubu, Abubakkar Atiku, Obi and some public office holders have engaged themselves is a proof of being honest and truthful where ever you find yourself, whether in power or not in power, whether it concerns you or it doesn’t concerns you. What matter are sincerity, honesty and truthfulness.
    Nigeria is in a mess today because the leadership lacks the aforementioned. It is said that a woman looking for a child does not wear pant to bed at night. And a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
    However, the brave man is the one who doesn’t feel afraid, but he who conquered that fear.
    Tinubu, as a person is in a very big mess today within and outside Nigeria shore because of his past antecedents which ought to have been treated a long time ago, but were thrown under the carpet because of those who were benefiting then.
    It was claimed he was in drug pushing deal which he was convicted. Also, he was involved in certificate forgery. However, Every document to back up the claim was presented to the world by his accusers, which Tinubu denied. But even a blind man will believe the accusers not because of the documents presented to back the allegations but the way Tinubu went about his defence. He can’t be claiming innocence while he was using courts and other means to stop the concerned school from releasing information about him. If he were to be innocent of the allegations, he wouldn’t have been doing everything possible to stop the process.
    Tinubu should have known that it is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare. Discipline is the soul of an army; it makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak and esteems to all. It could be recalled that the allegations against Tinubu did not start recently. The first person to bring the information to public domain decades back was late SAN Gani Fawehinmi after handling the Toronto University saga, which the then Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives Salisu Buari, was involved. When he took up the matter including the present Aviation Minister, Festus Kayemo, who was his employee, these same people who were Tinubu’s beneficiaries and presently his accusers joined hands then with others to make sure the judicial process did not succeed.
    It is said that what goes round turns around. Now that there is political turmoil same entities have brought back same matter for the purpose of using it to garner the people’s support to access power to the top.
    The accusers of Tinubu, were one time in power. When they were in power what did they do to pursue the matter to a conclusive end so that Tinubu should be brought to book for the crimes. The answer is, absolutely nothing. Because they were all the same ten and ten pence with Tinubu. Nigerians should not be used as a negotiating factor for the selfish interests of these power mongers . Tinubu with the facts on ground is indecent and is not worth being the President of Nigeria neither do his accusers qualified to be at the helm of affairs of the country.
    Majority of public office holders in Nigeria according to ZN’s findings have been involved in one criminal act or the others. If one were to make a search you will find that ninety percent of these present political leadership from the the Presidency, NASS to the state level are with forged certificates. And that was why they were unable to comment when Tinubugate became an issue to Nigeria and the world.
    No wonder a retired Assistant Inspector General of police, who later became a member of the NASS in the previous dispensation said he was so surprised that most members in the NASS with him were those that he treated their criminal issues when he was a police officer. He wondered on how a country with such people in public position would progress and succeed.


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