
    The tortoise is not scarce in any folk story. Same could be said of the Nigeria Police. It is highly difficult to exornorate the Police from the major crimes committed in Nigeria. Although, other security agencies’ personnel are not ruled out from from participating in aiding criminal activities in Nigeria. But Policemen involvement in crime is very high.
    The story of late DSP George Iyamu in the Lawrence Iyamu and Monday Osunbor’s saga, other top and other rank’s officers’ involvement in high profile crimes are still fresh in our minds. Crimes have taken over every facet of Nigeria because ninety-nine percent policemen are involved. This does not mean that we don’t have decent policemen. But the bad eggs do frustrate the good intentions of the decent ones. Hence, making it impossible for police authority to fight crimes successfully and reducing it to minimal if not bringing it to an end.
    For instance, ZN’s investigations revealed how the bad eggs in the police work peri pesu with criminals whom they either support with arms or information.
    Also, same ZN’s investigations revealed how the bad eggs in the police authority assist in releasing criminals in their custody after collecting money from them. Even sometimes the ones charged to court are helped to make sure they were released. Because for one to be convicted by any competent court of jurisdiction of a criminal matter the prosecutor must prove beyond any reasonable doubt. Hence, the policemen handling the case having collected money from the offender or offenders will mess up the matter or matters.
    We still have the people from the bar and bench that encourage criminality, but the percentage is low when compared with the police.
    Today, why other criminals like the politicians and land grabbers are having a free day in Nigeria is majorly because of police support. Elections’ rigging and forcefully entrance or taking over of someone’s land or lands cannot be executed successfully without police support. Without the police sanitization , the criminals will continue to have a free and successful day. Moreso the crime rate will continue to be high.


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