In Search of Collective Rescue Mission for Nigeria

    Aso Rock Villa

    * Thieves with the hearts of Pharaoh take over leadership, as country heads towards death mission, one party state

    * Implosion expected soon

    If our democracy endures, and 2023 becomes a reality, the good people of Nigeria should come out with braveness en-masse to fight to take over the leadership of Nigeria from our present crop of leaders who have the hearts of Pharaoh. These present leaders share the same nature and likeness to Pharaoh Ramsey of Egypt.

    In the same manner, the Egyptian King subdued the people of God into slave labour without payment, the present leaders have reduced Nigerians and the country as a whole to a slave camp. The same way Pharoah ordered the killing of the people of God, the present leaders have equally terrorized and have been killing many innocent Nigerians through standing army and hunger. Just as Pharaoh hardened his heart in not allowing the people of God to depart to the promised land, so the leaders have equally hardened their hearts in refusing to leave the government houses from local government level to national level, even when about 97 percent of Nigerians don’t want them again.

    It is time for Nigerians to rise up and fight these fetish idols and prophets of Baal who presently occupy the corridors of power.

    It is unfortunate that visionless people who would probably not do well in business of selling “pure water” have been entrusted with managing the present and future of millions of Nigerians.

    These infidels who belong to both the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressive Congress (APC) have been looting the country and must be brought to an end by not allowing them come back in 2023.

    Nigerians should know that these leaders who thrives in brutal force will not like to leave the corridors of power, unless they are marched with alternative approach. Because they don’t want to vacate power, they will resort to terror and coercive instrument of force.

    The leaders, deaf and insensitive to its own people, are however, quite voluble through its various ‘rent a quote’ media.

    It is overdue for the suffering people of Nigeria to revolt against a government whose pre-occupation and dreams are how to impoverish the people.

    The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) failed Nigerians bad, while the All Progressive Congress (APC) failed the nation woefully. What is the way out remains the way out. Will “Third force” be the answer to the solution to the agony Nigerians are facing due to bad leadership?

    It is a tragedy of immense proportion that in 2021, Nigerians can be talking about PDP and APC, parties best consigned to the rubbish bin of history. The APC members are least qualified as candidates for any elective office in the country. It has been said so many times before this confirmation that the parties (PDP and APC) are evil, made up of rogues, thieves, robbers. Nobody cared to listen.

    Nigerians should come out in total opposition to the APC/PDP administrations all over the nation because these parties cannot take us to any promised land. The members of the two parties are the present problems of Nigeria. They cannot be part of the solution. The two parties may even disintegrate Nigeria. There can never be good leadership, peaceful, viable, stable polity until these two parties are removed from power. We cannot go forward until we have the people’s leaders truly elected by the Nigerian people through a free and fair election.

    Majority of Nigerians are happy today that they have realized their mistakes of allowing PDP and APC to come to power. The leader Nigerians want is a new Nigeria, an impersonal leader, not the personal leader. Once we have a good system dictated on a good structure based on a good constitution, made by the people themselves, the best in Nigeria will come out. The best Nigerians are not known because the system does not allow then to be known. The messiahs of Nigeria are not known because of the Nigeria structure.

    The PDP and APC have inflicted pains and injuries on the Nigeria populace.

    Indeed, both parties have hugely violated the fundamental rights of Nigerians. Allowing PDP or APC to come back to power in 2023, will be another disaster and reign of terror.

    It is said; that flight into the past, is no answer to the challenges of the future. Rather it is an act of despair that will ultimately spell doom for the entire country. Enough is enough.

    It should be obvious to PDP and APC that with the present state of affairs in Nigeria, no responsible person will countenance the idea of PDP and APC desiring to rule the country again come 2023.

    Whatever, maybe the reason for both parties wanting to rule Nigeria again will be an exercise in futility. The parties should know that their political ideologies concerning the interests of the masses are very hazy. The ideologies contradict all the norms of a good democratic structure. What is paramount to the parties is protection of their loots and to continue in corruption at the expense of civil peace and political tranquility. The parties should realize that the governments which they midwife, laid foundation of injustice, election malpractices and result manipulations that are absorbed into Nigeria’s political culture.

    That is why Nigerians want a new Nigeria. A new Nigeria that will come as  a third force with a leader that is democratically elected by Nigerians. A leader that will not lopside his cabinet and be made mostly ethnic based. A leader that will be able to probe all the past evils done right from Yakubu Gowon to the present day of Muhammadu Buhari and bring those involved to book. A leader that will be able to probe IBB who wasted over N60billion on June 12, 1993 election and annulled same. A leader that will be able to probe why Obasanjo built in Lagos the most dangerous cell called “inter centre in 1978”, why he also established Ita-Oko, where ugly mosquitoes were bred, surrounded by crocodiles and all sorts of bad reptiles, and innocent Nigerians were detained in the place to suffer. Why he inserted subsection 6D into the 1979 constitution to prevent the courts from looking into all that transpired before October 1, 1979. So that whenever we challenge past illegalities, the court says, “No, the constitution has barred you. All the excesses and corruption that were done during Gowon’s regime and Obasanjo’s regime were protected by the ouster clause. A leader that will probe the huge sum of Nigeria’s money seized from Obasanjo by the late former President of Uganda, Field Marshall Idi Amin Dada. A leader that will tell us truly how much that have been recovered from late President Sani Abacha, his family, Gwarzo and others. A leader that will probe Jeremiah Useni, who was former Minister, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. A leader that will probe the $2.4b Gulf war windfall under IBB. A leader that will call and look into the 14 inquiries set by late Abacha into NITEL, into Central Bank, etc. Okigbo Panel, Abisoye Panel reports  should be brought out. A leader that will probe the one billion naira given by IBB to support Obasanjo’s election. A leader that will probe the N2.5 billion oil fund during Buhari’s office tenure as Petroleum Minister. A leader that can probe the N16 billion power contract during Obasanjo’s regime. A leader that will probe all governments’ killings till date, including that of Dele Giwa, Ken Saro Wiwa and others. A leader that will probe the millions of naira swallowed by a python and missing pension funds.

    A leader that will agree to look into the restructuring of Nigeria and those funding insecurity in Nigeria. A leader that will support the peoples’ opinion of having election results transmitted electronically.

    The crying question is how an alternative may be achieved along the path of constitutionality and non violence. How do we re-invent our country in order to avoid what appears to be an inexorable rush towards disaster? This is what well meaning Nigerians should reflect on to finding solution to.

    For rising up to our desperate and parlous situation in Nigeria, every well meaning Nigerian and group must work together to stop these Nigerian leaders from coming back to power come 2023. They should continue to speak out against the decadence on display by the leaders.

    The immediate challenge for all concerned Nigerians at home and abroad is to stop playing the ostrich and concentrate on how to rescue Nigeria and Nigerians from bad governance. This is a task that must be tackled collectively. Unless a critical mass of various groups that cut across age, genders, zones and party political affiliations adopt the same positions, with a more clearly defined collective agenda, the single issue approach of many of our groups which tend to focus on attacking the leaders can stand no chance of gaining enduring gravitas. It will merely be a bargaining position, a begging bowl in supplication to imperial leadership, resulting in strains and stresses that will turn the eventual “position” adopted by any of the groups a “party political” or partisan view.

    Because we have seen with evidence that our leaders are not prepared to reason, there is urgent need to build coalitions in the public sphere as a quiet coalitional option aimed at creating a critical mass of support for a common agenda across Nigeria. This option must set out on a path that is not merely contingent on Government House in 2023. It must seek to remain a permanent platform or lobby, even if a more accountable party and / or leaders succeed in 2023 and beyond. This permanent platform must seek to recreate an image of Nigeria industry, hard work, integrity and dedication to duty that it can consistently uphold.

    Such a platform must not change with every wind that blows. Its primary scheme is to mobilize opinion and then build structures to actualize goals without having to change when adventurers, of whatever hue, barge into or more out of the political system. It is a scheme for meeting such a coalitional strategy that we need and it cannot be based on the platform of any existing political formation or party.


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