
    Revelation 7:2-4.9-14
    1 John 3:1 -3
    Matthew 5:1-12


    We recall today as always, all the souls that have been received into the presence of God. The Church calls them the Triumphant Church. They are those who have transgressed this life and won for themselves the battle of life, soaked in the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ. They are people who lived and allowed the grace of God to triumph in the lives by holding fast to the teachings, doctrines and ideals of Christ. Those who continued striving on the road of holiness, trusting in divine help, persevering in love, charity and good works and never giving up until they gained the rewards awaiting them.

    What actually endured them to God? What gave them this victory? Why were they made them acceptable to Christ and God and what propelled them to the abode of life eternal is what we must look at to emulate.

    The book of Revelation, our first reading today, points to the victory of these men and women who were once like us on earth. They passed through life, buffeted by the conditions of life, and being subjected to all human conditions as we are going through in our own time today. They felt hunger, thirst, angered, and lived with all the emotional feelings of men. They lived under the same burden of life, relationships, hardness of life, and all. They had no special extraordinary gifts different from what we have now.

    But they managed all circumstances and won life. It is an indication that we have the capacity and the potential too to win life if we hold firm, persevere as they did and trusts God above all.

    Again, the Books of Revelation recalls for us what endured them to win the victory of life and gain the joy of the Blessed. It says, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

    Indeed, they submitted to Christ. They desired and washed themselves pure and clean in the blood of the lamb. They allowed their hearts, soul and body to be clothed, formed and renewed in the teachings, and ideals of Christ. They were consumed with the thoughts and actions of Christ. They followed the lamb of God in all circumstances and never faltered. They were resolute, faithful, sincere and truthful.

    Even though they lived under the burden of human weakness, with the guilt of sin, falling each time in sin and being buffeted by sinful desires, yet they trusted in the lamb who justifies them. Their hearts inclined to their master and his teaching. They made allowances in the task of growing in virtue and striving for perfection, so they won with the Lamb leading the way.

    The gospel spells out the other virtues that they lived in to be able to remain happy and blessed with Christ in God. They were humble and simple in heart, pure in soul, peaceful in outlook and intent, desiring to do the will of God, never shying away from persecution but enduring adverse conditions, accepting the cross and living with joy focusing on their life with Christ.

    As the Psalmist summarized it, he asked, “Who shall climb the mountain of the Lord? Who shall stand in his holy place?” And in answer he says, “The clean of hands and pure of heart, whose soul is not set on vain things.”

    The best part is that presented to us by the evangelist John in the second reading. He reminds us that we are already Children of God by creation. We have all the requisite conditions to return to God, to be part of God’s live, to live in God and to return to God. And since that is also the desire of our God, we must then strive to maintain this desire, uphold this intention and live in love.

    Let us also be mindful of the fact that the saints continue to intercede for us on this journey. They hold us in great esteem. They plead for us before God our Father. They are in communion with us as God’s children, because they desire and pray for our victory.

    We must equally return their love by seeking communion with them, loving them, joining them in prayer and receiving their support in imitation of their life, virtues and what endured them to God.

    God our Father, you are glorified in your saints who have won life and are living in your peace. Grant that we may emulate their virtues, and their trust in you. Wash us clean with the blood of the lamb and May we after our earthly pilgrimage enter into blessedness and be counted among your saints in heaven. May this month of November brings us full restoration of all lost time, goodness and good health of mind and body through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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