Hold Gowon, Obasanjo, IBB, Jonathan, Buhari, other Political Class for the Collapse of Nigeria


    The problems of Nigeria have gone beyond human salvation. And the only way out of them is to seek divine intervention. Nigerians from now onwards should look unto God Almighty and not man for the solutions to the country’s problems.
    Nigeria is presently in one of her darkest periods of her existence caused by her leaderships.
    However, Yakubu Gowon, Olusegun Obasanjo, Ibrahim Babangida, Abdulsalam Abubakar, Goodluck Jonathan amongst the leaders that are still alive and our politicians should be held responsible for the woes of Nigeria. The country collapsed in their hands before Muhammadu Buhari took over. So, they should stop playing saints. Although Buhari has his negative contributions to the present situation of the country too, through the criminals working with him. The blame on Buhari by some Nigerians as the man that put the country in a mess is unacceptable and unfair.
    Also, the recent visits by Gowon, Obasanjo and others to Buhari to find solution to Nigeria’s problems through foreign investments in the country, job creations for unemployed youths, opening up the economy etc was a far cry from the reality.
    It is on record that Gowon ruled the country from 1966 to 1975, what did he do. The total destruction of the Regional Government was executed by his administration capitalizing on the then unitary government policies of late General Aguiyi Ironsi, his predecessor. Was he not the one that stamped that everything must come to the centre. If he meant well for Nigeria and Nigerians, why didn’t he revert to the regional government and stop the genocide of the Igbos by the Northerners during the Nigeria civil war. The massacre of defenceless civilians in Asaba and total cleansing of the Igbos from the military and top positions in the country, was it not under his leadership? What foundation did he lay with the oil boom money.
    Olusegun Obasanjo was three time head of Nigeria government. One as a military head of State, while two time civilian President.
    As military head of state, he and his cabals rigged the first civilian executive President, Alhaji Shehu Shagari into power to defeat Obafemi Awolowo, when it was proven by late Mathematician Chike Obi that one third or two third was equivalent to one whole number before the Nigerian electoral college in 1979. He never laid any future for the country or improve the economy. He was busy pursuing late Afro beat maestro Fela Anikulapo Kuti and the late mother with unknown soldiers as well as looting the country’s treasury. Oil boom money what did Obasanjo do with it. May be he invested it in his Obasanjo Farm under Operation Feed the Nation.
    His journey back to the seat of power as a civilian President was to balkanize the electoral system of the country and finding a way to enshrine third term agenda for himself in the constitution of Nigeria but failed, while he left government establishments to die, to enable himself and his cabals to buy them off through privatization. Under him party democracy was destroyed.
    Even late President Umaru Yar’Adua that succeeded him confirmed publicly that the pencil called Obasanjo rigged him into power through electoral malpractices to defeat Muhammadu Buhari then.
    Please Obasanjo, those millions of dollars you carted away from Nigeria that late President Idi Amin Dada of Uganda seized from you, Nigerians want it back now. That money alone can change the economy of Nigeria for better in this present situation of the country. Your mess in Odi is still waiting for you. What about the funds under false donations you diverted to build your private library?
    Are we talking of Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, a betrayal of trust and notoriously known as Maradona (meaning dribbler because of his insincerity). He remains one of the worst leader ever produced since the inception of Nigeria. Nigeria almost collapsed in his hands after the annulment of June 12, 1991 election, which late Moshood Kashimawo Abiola, won. That was the best election ever conducted in Nigeria. Nigerians came whole heartedly to cast their votes for whom they needed to lead them. The election would had been the election that would had put Nigeria in the right track. Babangida, like his predecessors who never wanted Nigeria and Nigerians good decided to destroy the process, hence bringing the country back to minus square one.
    Babangida during his regime legalized corruption and hard drugs business. His regime stole a lot of money from the public treasury. The oil boom money and Gulf war windfall running into billions of dollars were carted away by his administration. He derailed the electoral process that Nigeria is yet to find her feet till date, after spending over N40billion to execute the election.
    Goodluck Jonathan, who forgot how providence smiled on him became a child of destiny, would had made a good President, but because he was a weakling and not a man of his own, his administration failed woefully than any government that existed. In a nutshell, Nigeria finally collapsed in his hand because of cruel and heartless political thieves that made up his political party (PDP). The country turned to a failed State under his leadership. The country lost hope. No way to go any longer. The country’s treasury was totally emptied by the PDP political thieves. He legalized corruption, and hunger and starvation took over the entire land. Crimes reached its peak and became the only way of survival. It was during his administration that Nigeria finally abandoned God and established full relationship with Satan.
    Abdusalami Abubakar, was child of destiny that took over the shackles of government immediately late President Sani Abacha died. He did not waste time in handing over power to the civilian elected government of Obasanjo. His administration prepared the faulty constitution that is presently wrecking havoc in Nigeria. He was a member of the cabal that rigged back Obasanjo into power after 20 years of vacating the presidential lodge. Within his administration’s short stay, the country’s treasury was seriously and systematically looted. Under the watch of his administration, the winner of the best ever conducted election in Nigeria, M.K.O. Abiola, who was in his custody was killed few hours before his release. He had the opportunity to bring back Nigeria to the right track within his brief stay as the country’s leader but failed.
    With the briefs on these leaders and the political class, none of them has the locus to criticize Buhari. Instead they should hide their faces in shame and pray for forgiveness for the mess they have put the country and Nigerians into, especially the youths whose future they have destroyed.


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