
    SUNDAY JANUARY 28, 2024
    Deuteronomy 18:15-20
    I Corinthians 7:32-35
    Mark 1:21-28


    One of the realities of our existence is that as human beings we are constantly being confronted by demons, spiritual forces and powers in the world. Sometimes we recognize them and pray against them, other times we deny their existence or even live in ignorance of their influence and existence in our lives. Yet their powers and influence continue most times to torment us, control us and oppress us. Where lies our help? How do we overcome their influence and gain back our lives?

    The Church teaches that demons and evil spirits exist in our world. They were created by God to help humanity and mankind. But they turned against God and humanity and began offensive battle against man and against God. God himself knows their influence and powers because their natural powers and influence God initially gave them over us as our guide and protectors is not taken away from them. They still retain their powers and influence over us. But this time, their powers are used instead to oppress, subjugate, make us turn against God and act in very bad way against God’s grace, will and plan.

    The gospel of today talks about the powers of the demons and evil spirits. It was because of their disobedience to God that they fell out of favour with God and they roam about the world seeking souls to destroy. Here in today’s, gospel they confronted Jesus saying, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God.”

    The great thing here is that they know Jesus, as the messiah, who has come to put their power away. They recognize that the saviour has authority over them and their influence will come to an end with Jesus Christ. They know that with Jesus their game is up and ended. So the question, Have you come to destroy us? is an indication that with Jesus their end has come.

    And this is the good news that we receive today. That Jesus is the conqueror of these evil, demonic and bad spirits that influence, torment and thwarts the plans of God in our lives. Their influence in our lives are sometimes seen and sometimes unseen. But they act, they influence us, they are always there to determine, to make us do that evil, commit that sin, become addicts of bad behaviours, like drinking, smoking, promiscuity, time waisting, irreligious lives, idolatrous living, and all other kinds of evil we commit.

    They possess some, affect some, sometimes, they cause havoc in our lives, accidents, and evil intentions. They are unpredictable in their action because of the kind of natural powers that they possess. In the life of the man in the gospel of today, the demons had possessed him and uses him as mere tools and challenges Jesus. But Jesus recognizes that this man was under the influence of the demon and Jesus addressed the demon directly saying, “Be silent, and come out of him!” And that is what our Lord Jesus has come to do in our lives. He comes to expell the demons, evil spirit and their influence in our lives.

    But these spirit to show us their evil intentions must seek to destroy us. He even demonstrated this by convulsing the man and throwing him on the ground even before Jesus. Their influence is to kill, to destroy, to suffer us. And we must continue to battle them through the power of Christ in us. They are destructive to our wellbeing. There is nothing good in them. We find these days how people embrace them, accept them, welcome them and even offer them space, and chances in their lives. They promise us wealth, money, and prosperity. We find videos and stories of people who do rituals to get rich, buy properties and make themselves influencial in our society. Some even become famous in unthinkable things, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender and all forms of modern atrocities committed today in our society.

    Sometimes we envy these people who have sold their lives to the evil, and demonic spirits of the world. But their eternal salvation has been jeopardized and even their earthly wellbeing has been mortgaged. They live in sorrow, in affliction and torment. But what they show us is sometime different, somewhat like enjoyment, influence and comfort. This is false. Devil can never offer us these, they are only deceptive.

    Our readings today call us to run away from their influence, to seek the power of Christ to conquer them, to turn away and put up battle against them. Saint Paul reminds us that we do not battle against flesh and blood but against principalities, power and spiritual forces in the world.

    Anytime we find habits taking possession of us, we must begin the battle to end their influence. We must not rest and allow the devil to get the better of us. Our lives has more value in God. Our first reading reminds us that we have a great anchor, the saviour of the World. The one who like moses and above moses will deliver us from the powers of the evil ones.

    As Saint Paul admonishes us, we must be prepared to fight our battle with singleminded devotion, focused and desperate to win this battle of life. We must never admit any form of undivided attention. Our focus must be centred on the God of our salvation. Be focused, be firm, do not just do the barest minimum but go all out to demonstrate that you belong to God entirely. Keep the focus in prayer, attend the Mass in and out of season, say your prayers, keep an upright life in God, and never give any chance for the demons to invade your lives. With Jesus we conquer and for Jesus we are Victors. Keep the battle real, firm and resolute until the end.

    God our Father, we fight spiritual battle in the world against spiritual forces, principalities and powers. And we are assured of victory with you. Grant us the perseverance, the focus to win and the humility and fortitude never to give in. Deliver us from the influence of demons, evil spirit and powers and keep us safe in your love through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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