Execution of Nigerian Politicians, Corrupt Public Office Holders, the Headway to a Better Nigeria


    Gold Coast is the present Ghana. This country as a nation was thrown into dark nation, by the then corrupt public office holders and politicians. The economy was so battered that the nationals thought that was the end of the country, and started moving out of the country in thousands to seek for survivals.
    However, a succour came in the person of Jerry Rawlings who overthrew the government in power and made sure those who held public positions before and then that were corrupt were executed by firing squad.
    Since the executions, Ghana has known peace and has become one of the best countries in the history of Africa. People leave their countries to Ghana to seek better educations, businesses etc.
    Today, Nigeria as a nation has crumbled, lost hope and Nigerians are waiting helpless for a messiah that will come and wipe away the tears and bring back the country to a nation blessed by God before the politicians and corrupt office holders destroyed the joy of the nation.
    The best and quickest way to bring back Nigeria to the right track is a bloody revolution that will garnered all the existing corrupt public officer holders and politicians from 1976, when Obasanjo took over power as military head of state to this present time of President Buhari’s government and execute them publicly the way Rawlings did in Ghana.
    These crop of humans under the names of politicians, public office holders and leaders are thieves that have taken over the country as their personal enterprise. The heritage of Nigerians is being sold. Our lives are sold. Our moral standing and future are being sold. They have made the country and the nationals to loose their dignity.
    If we may go by what the legendary Hausa scholar, Usman Dan Fodiyo said “A nation can endure with unbelief, but it cannot endure with injustice; what Nigerians are experiencing now is injustice to humanity from the hands of the corrupt office holders, politicians or leaders.
    It is presently clear in Nigeria that the centre can no longer hold. Nigerians have been pushed to the wall. A time has come when they will fight back. That time may not be far. Because these thieves in power have metamorphosed the country to George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”. These vampires are Orwell’s piggery family. They are not compassionate, cannot be trusted, very exploitative, manipulative, wicked and heartless.
    Although, Nigerians called for democracy, but the maggot has crawled into the apple of the nation’s democracy again. We are now in the era when mysterious beings are ruling Nigeria. These rapacious beings have the intent on making the nation an economic skeleton.
    Now is the time for well-meaning Nigerians to take their fate in their hands to stop these thieves permanently from having no chance to stage a come back, if not, these wolves will hold Nigeria and Nigerians to perpetual slavery.
    If we are to rise above this mess we are in, it is the responsibility of every well meaning Nigerian to speak against these evil doers in power, instead of choosing the part of praise singing or becoming afraid of speaking out. These gangsters in power who are wolves in sheep clothing parading the helms of power in Nigeria must be stopped.
    Recently, a Kenyan professor, Patrick Lumumba in a public forum ridiculed the lawmakers of Nigeeria. He made caricature of them by saying it point blank before them that they were the problems of Nigeria because of their acts of criminality and irresponsibility. He stated that they should be called dishonourable members instead of honourable members. He lambasted them further by saying that the greatness of Nigeria was being shattered by the lawmakers. If not, Nigeria ought to had been in the same economic scale with Germany and politically the same with America. God bless Patrick Lumumba for that direct public speech, which the lawmakers were physically present. It is known fact that no Nigerian professor would be courageous enough to take on the legislators the way Lumumba did.
    History of great nations in the world showed that those who held hostages were booted out by the masses. Countries like America, Russia, France, Britain, China, Germany etc did the needful to unchain themselves from the hands of the criminals that held them hostages.
    So long these leaders remain alive and in power, engage in looting, Nigeria will never rise. So the best place good for them is no other place than six feet.
    As far these evil leaders, rogues, robbers continue to exist, they will continue to subvert the progress and success of Nigeria and Nigerians. We shall never live to see a good progressive political, legal, economic, constitutional, religious, social system that caters for the interest of all her citizens. These cannot take place until these enemies of Nigeria are removed.
    Nigerians should be in total opposition to them because they cannot take us to the promise land. They are Nigeria’s problem. They will disintegrate the country. There can never be a peaceful, viable, stable polity until they are eliminated.
    You do not tell a deaf man that the market is over because he has eyes to see. These evil leaders should know that the market is over.
    It is important Nigerians begin now to get hold of these leaders because 2023 has began to acquire the air.


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