Delegates Have a Responsibility to Choose Aspirants with the Best Intentions of the Masses


    Days to the governorship Primaries of the People’s Democratic Party in Delta State, slated for May 2022, aspirants and godfathers have began to lobby delegates with good sum of monies, because they know the delegates are the deciding factors in the primaries.

    Delegates should note that they have the power at this stage of the party’s election to change the narrative to themselves and their children unborn, to choose the best aspirant that has good intentions for the general masses of the State as the flagbearer of the Party come 2023.

    The time for making mistakes and mortgaging the future of the State into the hands of individuals who did not mean well for the State is over.

    Those who created problem in the State since 1999-2022, should not be charged with solving it. We cannot keep electing the people that created our problem and expect a different result.

    It is imperative to ensure fresh hands are given the opportunity to correct the mess they plunged the State into.

    Deltans will not expect positive change in their lives if they make the mistake of going ahead in choosing a governorship hopeful like David Edevbie, who was part of the rot of Delta State since 1999-2022, before he was sacked last year as Chief of Staff Government House of Delta State.

    Edevbie has stayed too long in the status quo and has become part of the corrupt system. It is an illusion to expect Corruption to fight Corruption. The truth of the matter is that a corrupt individual and system cannot fight corruption. Delta State needed a clear break from its ugly past to break the heavy rod of rot of its back in order to move forward.

    Persons like David Edevbie, whose only job has been to change from one government office to another and has never done any other productive thing apart from squandering government treasury, should not be allowed to become the Party’s flagbearer.

    Edevbie, is far removed from the true realities of Delta State, and is therefore, incapable of comprehending the urgency and depth of transformation that the State needs at this point in time.

    Delegates should distance themselves from electing David Edevbie as the Party’s flagbearer, because himself (Edevbie), James Ibori and Ighoyota Amori have plans which Deltans did not know to squander the State treasury like the way they did in Ibori’s administration, which the State is still suffering till date.

    According to Abraham Lincoln “You can fool all of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”

    David Edevbie should explain to Deltans his role in the alleged $4.5m Econet bribe, what made the founder of Econet, Strive Mesyria leave the shore of this country? $15m bribe to EFCC under Nuhu Ribadu during Ibori’s saga, how did the money leave Delta State treasury to the EFCC treasury? The £1.5b returned by the British Government tagged part of Ibori’s loots that is in the Federal government account, how did it leave to British shore? Who was responsible for the releases of these funds from Delta State account?

    Deltans should disregard and discard politicians like David Edevbie with track records of habitual failures and his governorship ambition should be rejected.

    It will be suicidal and shameful for delegates to project David Edevbie for elective post after himself and James Ibori have messed up the finances of the State that led to corruption persisted with impurity during the era of these crooks. The greatest errors delegates will make, is to allow Edevbie to get hold of the Dennis Osadebe House.


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