
    TUESDAY AUGUST 13, 2024


    Ss Pontian, Pp., & Hippolytus, P. Mm. (Opt. Mem.)

    Ezekiel 2:8-3:4

    Matthew:18:1-5. 10. 12-14



    Many still think that greatness is characterized by one’s wealth, or the power or the influence one holds. But in today’s gospel, Jesus teaches us that greatness of any Christian arises from the childlike spirit one tries to imbibe.

    What is the content of this child like spirit? There are three particular characteristics of a child that makes a child what he or she is. And they are, trusting heart and mind, humble spirit and very natural dispositions.

    A child always comes with a trusting mind. Children recline on their parents and seek the attention of their parents always for their needs and wants. They are always  hopeful, confident, trusting and loving to their parents. They know that they are safe and secure in and around their parents. They make demands of what they desire and want from their parents and are confident that their request if not granted are convinced that their parents knows better and accept their parents excuses and provision.

    This is what Our Lord Jesus expect from his follower – a trusting mind and heart, confidence in their God as their protector, their provider, the one who understand and knows their needs and aspirations. And Christians are supposed to daily recline themselves into the willing and caring hand of their God. For they know that their God is always willing and able to take care of them, to provide for them and to guide them aright. This is the first and ever demanding faith and trust that makes a person great in the sight of God and man.

    Secondly, a child is always humble. Humility is one of the greatest virtues that Jesus himself taught us. He came as a man, took the nature of a slave, debased himself to die a shameful death on a cross.  Jesus lived humbly, never showed any power ostentatiously but humbly attending to all and unassumingly doing his deeds in humility. He was God among men but accepted insults and humiliation in the hands of men.


    Children are epitome of humility for they bear no grudges, harbour not ill feelings, forgive all errors and faults done to them and have pure and simple minds towards all. And these are virtues that we are called to live out and emulate. A humble person holds no grudges, but serves others, and forgives hurts and sins without counting the cost. This is our calling to greatness.


    The third characteristics to greatness is being natural of which children are. They are always natural, spontaneous and very down to earth. They are not artificial or synthetic. They do not ferment things but take things are they come. Children are who they are. They have zero worries and nothing bothers them. To be natural is to take things as they are. To live without worries, to be safe and never thinking of retaliation, or even hurting themselves or other persons. They joke and play freely and associate with all freely and never hold back themselves from others for any reason. Because they habour no devilish thoughts or evil intentions.


    Greatness in the kingdom of God are characterized by these things, humility, being natural and  having a trusting faith. Let us try to imbibe these in our lives and be conscious of these as we live.


    Heavenly Father, you teach us that greatness comprise of being humble, trusting and natural. Grant us the humble mind and hearts of children. Help us to develop their trusting faith. May we learn to live freely in your care and providence, devoid of all worries, anxieties and complexities. Give us the docile spirit and grace of children in all we do in life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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