Who is a Political Charlatan? A political charlatan is that political animal who is a promise maker, but not a promise keeper. In the political pitch of governance, your academic qualifications, nor intelligence, does not exonerate any politician from being a political charlatan, but your quality leadership and delivery to the people is what makes the difference.

I am not a Political Charlatan, but I make Satan My Political Chief Of Staff who snare my heart from the people but only answers to what Satan ask me to do, You are a Political Charlatan.

Politics is noble, only when the good people participate in politics and it’s important to note that politics is not reserved for the worst people amongst us, because the business of politics cut across all endeavours of life. So, why leave politics only for the worst people amongst us when the business of politics directly or indirectly affect your business, Your career, your religion and your focus as a business Man and Woman.

I refused to participate in politics because politics is dirty and the people that play politics is dirty, but you expect a righteous results from dirty people who play dirty politics. It’s aberration to expect the otherwise, because snake does not give birth to rat, rather, snake can only give birth to its kind because God has given us the biological power to give birth to our kinds, So, why blame the dirty people in politics when the dirty mind can only give birth to dirty outcome.

Are you a Good Man or a Good Woman who condemned politics of being dirty, I urge you to reconsider your position, because it takes the power of purification to make a dirty water a clean water because iron sharpeneth iron.
As a Good Man and a Good Woman in Christ, You are the light of the world, A city that is set on a hill can not be hidden. Mathew 5:14

Remember, In a population of three, there is politics. So, why leave politics for the dirty people when you can change the status quo of making the presumed dirty politics a clean politics with the power of good mind. Aristotle once said, that Every Man is a political animal.

I refused to be a Political Charlatan, because there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of Death. Proverbs 14:12, So, why play politics that will lead you to death as politician?

Remember, that nothing is permanent in life, but your good work as a privileged leader who were entrusted with the right of the people to render selfless service to the people.
What is your actions to the people who entrusted you with power? The action of a man is what determines who “Owns The Heart Of Man” and Politics Without Governance Is Criminal.

I have always maintained that Leadership is not for sale, nor for everyone, because Leadership is a function of the mind, it’s an attitude, and you must have it, to give it, otherwise, nothing happens.



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