
    FRIDAY APRIL 5, 2024
    Acts 4:1-12
    John 21:1-14


    Being a Christian demands a lot in our world today. It means also taking a new career which puts one against the world. It means going against the worldly current, lifestyles and thinking. It can also touch on making one totally turned off from ones likes.

    In the life of the apostles Peter and John, after the healing of the crippled man, they were more or less brought out into the entire view of the whole company of the Pharisees, the priests and the leaders as if they were criminals. The accusation are many but arising from wicked minds and evil intentions. How could they be working such miracles and gathering people with their teachings. This evokes the anger and fury of these Pharisees and the religious leaders of their times.

    The allegation was why preach with the name of Jesus? Why heap the blame of his death on us? Why perform miracles in his name? The challenge of the apostles was the terrible fury and anger exhibited by these religious leaders against them for works of kindness and salvation meted to a poor crippled man. They were arrested and kept in detention and even tried in their court. And thereafter the apostles were suffered, flogged and cautioned never to preach in the name of Christ. These are challenges coming from the people of the world.

    In the gospel, after the resurrection and waiting, Peter was a bit fatigued and decided to go fishing, returning to his former profession and life. And he was able to convince the other apostles who followed him to fish too. But there, while they were fishing and in the morning, Jesus appeared to them there. While they caught nothing and directed them to cast the nets on the right side which they did. This resulted to a huge catch of fish and they recognized Jesus at this point.

    The challenge of doing what you like best sometimes can be infringed upon by our divine mandate and call. Our likes may be lost in the bid to work for Jesus and seek our salvation. Our lives are redirected sometimes and we may have to give up what we enjoy doing for the sake of the gospel. This is a great challenge to our faith and profession in Christ.

    But the good-news is that the mission sent us by Jesus is more productive and fulfilling than that we choose to do. We become successful with Jesus and in Jesus than when we run alone. And with Jesus we are assured of our comfort, and he provides our needs, supplies our wants, directs our lives and never abandons us.

    With the apostles, he provides their breakfast, supplies their victory with big catch of fish and watches over them with his care and love.

    Many of the challenges confronting us in life journey with Jesus and in our faith are sweet challenges and must be accepted because they lead to glory and our salvation. Let us always expect these challenges and live with them joyfully.

    Heavenly Father, you called us to a life that goes against the currents in the world. Help us to accept the challenges that confront us in life with total resignation to your will. Give us the strength to withstand obstacles, surmount problems and overcome challenges. May our lives be victorious and fulfilling through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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