Exodus 12:1-8,11-14
1Corinthian 11:23-26
John 13:1-15
The phrase “Maundy Thursday“ evokes within the catholic circle a sense of command. Because maundy from the Latin word, mandatus, meaning “command,” is really a reminder to all of the command of Jesus to all his adherents to LOVE unconditionally. It is the sign by which a Christian can be identified and known. Love is the symbol and end of the Christian Life and practice.
We celebrate therefore the command of Jesus to his disciples to love all both friends and foes,and never to put boundaries in the command of love. Jesus shows this by stooping down to wash the feet of his disciples. His reason for this, is to show what love is in reality. It is a humble service of brothers and sisters in their weakness and visible limitations. It is a form of cleansing also for the one who is love because love elevates the loved and helps them in life.
Jesus undertook the task of washing the disciples feet to give them greater insight on what love consist of. It means sacrifice, humility and service rendered to the dejected, the downtrodden, the disadvantaged, the brothers and sisters in our communities and those we meet in this journey of life. Love does not discriminate, separate or isolate. Love is expressive and always favors the loved. While the lover suffers, sacrifices and gives all.
Jesus makes us apostles and disciples of love. And he went ahead to show us the sacrificial love that we must emulate by leaving us with his body and blood as our food for the journey. We celebrate therefore the institution of the Most Blessed Eucharist. This is one of the greatest gifts to humanity. The Most Sacred Body and Blood of Christ, sacrificed on the cross of Calvary and given to us as food for our spiritual nourishment.
And Christ requests that we celebrate this in his memory. The church therefore teaches and holds that the Eucharist is true body and blood of Christ with his humanity, divine that is, nature as God, veiled in the form of bread and wine.
The Church hold supreme this doctrine that “The Eucharist is the very sacrifice of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus which he instituted to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross throughout the ages until his return in glory. Thus he entrusted to his Church this memorial of his death and Resurrection. It is a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a paschal banquet, in which Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us.”
Committed to the Eucharistic mysteries are the custodians, ordained priests and bishops who serve in the capacity as called to preserve, protect, promote and celebrate this sacrament for the good of the entire World. So we celebrate the priesthood also committed to the sanctification of humanity through the celebration of this Eucharistic mysteries of Christ Jesus and other sacraments, and the teaching, and governing activities of the church.
We ask that as we enter into the mysteries of our redemption in this Easter Triduum, that our sins be blotted out, our salvation assure and our eternal redemption actualized.
God our Father, may the ministry of Christ your priest and our Saviour bring salvation to our world. May his command of love enable us to love unconditionally all men and may his sacrifice and the Eucharistic mystery bring us healing of body and soul through Christ our Lord.
Fr Norbert Uchuno