
    WEDNESDAY MAY 29, 2024
    1 Peter 1 : 15-25
    Mark 10:32-45


    Is it not insensitive and unfortunate that as Jesus was talking about his impending suffering, agony and cruel death, his own disciples were busy clamoring and soliciting for places of honour, status and positions? But craze for honour and position seems to be the most pressing and demanding aspirations of men and women of the ages even our own time.

    Servant hood is not fashionable neither is it attractive or even seen as rewarding. Yet, that is the real way. The gospel of today calls us to reflect on the precise roles and expectation of Jesus over us in this world as his disciples. He says, “whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

    The road to greatness is not an easy one. The road to positions and status of great ranks must be earned by being servants and slaves to others. Jesus uses himself as a model, for he came to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. This idea must be understood by all in our society and among Christians of today.

    That servanthood and slavery are the bests road and routes to greatness and great status. So James and John who represent humanity that seeks honour and glory and good life must pursue first to be servants to all. It begins with a merciful way of looking at others. And it’s character, is a kind of emptying oneself for the good of others. It demands a lot of looking at the needs, comfort and well-being of others.

    Taking a clue from the services that Jesus gave to us, we see him as our teacher, who went about doing good, healing the sick, forgiving sinners, rescuing those who have been condemned by the world, lifting up those who are down, encouraging others who are on the right and giving a helping hand to many who have no hope or have lost hope in the world.

    In doing this, Jesus debased himself, took to abandon his own comfort and pleasure to the extent that his life was totally given out and sacrificed on the cross of Calvary. This is what he desires and expects from us.

    A servant talks about others and serves others. His own affairs and life may never matter to him. His purpose in life is the satisfaction and well-being of others.

    Our first reading from the first letter of Saint Peter also talks about the sacrifices expiated for our salvation. That the precious blood of Jesus poured out from the cross of Calvary to gain our salvation. Therefore our obligation is to listen to the Word of God, Jesus Christ by whose words we gain life in abundance.

    If our God does so for us, we are obliged to be of service to others. That servanthood through personal sacrifice is the only way to greatness, honour and greater status for us in this life and the life to come.

    Heavenly Father, in our service to you and our neighbour, grant us serenity of mind and the right disposition of heart. May we serve you wholeheartedly, working out with you our salvation. May we be diligent in service, loving in attitude, ready to accept any conditions for the good of others. Bless us with perseverance in suffering and at last may our service give you glory and bring us honour, peace of mind and eternal rewards through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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