
    SUNDAY DECEMBER 24, 2023
    2 Samuel 7:1-5.8-12.14.16
    Romans 16:25-27
    Luke 1:26-38


    The season of Advent is gradually drawing to the close and we need to ask ourselves how we have built a dwelling home for our saviour in our hearts, minds, homes and our world. Preparing for the coming of our saviour is building a house for the Lord.

    David saw the need in the first reading of today why he should build a house, a dwelling for God. He lived in paneled house, a very luxious house in his time. While the ark of Covenant, the dwelling and presence of our God was in a tent. David complained to the Prophet Nathan on his dilemma and encouraging him, the prophet advised him to go ahead and carry out what was his intention. Even though this zeal and intention was welcomed by the Lord, that the Lord desires to live with us, yet not with a hand already polluted by blood.

    The Lord blessed David and promised him so much for nursing the intention to build him a house. He tells him, “Moreover the Lord declares to you that the Lord will make you a house. When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come forth from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. I will be his father, and he shall be my son. “‘And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure for ever before me; your throne shall be established for ever.”’

    The request to have a dwelling was extended to and requested of Mary by the angel Gabriel sent by God. Recall that Mary was a virgin, prepared by Grace, and given all necessary security. God wills to be born by a pure heart and mind.

    The first implication to note is that, this same request is made to us today. God wants to dwell in our midst, to be our God. He wants us to harbour him in our hearts, our minds and our world. As she requested of Mary so he is requesting of us this period of Advent. Will Christ be born in you, in your home, in your lives and in your families?

    Even though Mary found it almost an impossibility for she was without a man and was a Virgin. Mary requested to know how possible this will be to house God, to conceive and bear a Son without husband? Even their cultural melieu will not allow it either. But the assurance of the angel Gabriel convinced Mary. The angel told her about the cousin Elizabeth who was called barren and is now with a child. And that statement, “For with God nothing will be impossible.” gave Mary this confidence to make that declaration allowing the will of God to prevail.

    She exclaimed, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” The Lord needs our consent to dwell in us. He needs our willingness to stay with us. He cannot force himself upon us. Even though he desires a place of honour, a place without iniquity, a godly dwelling like the virgin House of Mary, our Lord also desires our consent, our willingness, our humility to accept him to live with us. This he found in Mary.

    Are you willing, prepared, humble and ready to accept our Lord into your life, your home, your family to dwell with you? Then you must be willing, you must be humble and you must be accommodating like Mary our mother.

    Mary teaches us the requirements necessary to welcome Jesus and keep Jesus in our home. She calls herself a handmaid to the Lord. A handmaid is one who is like a slave. The handmaid is ordered about by the master. He has no mind of his or her own. He works for the master and devotes his or her life for the master. Mary calls herself the handmaid of the Lord. That is exactly what it means to be willing, available and consenting to welcome Jesus in our home and life. We must be handmaids, slaves, giving ourselves over to him and ready to follow instructions and walk along with him. It means total submission of oneself to his ways and will as Mary did.

    And submitting to Jesus as Mary did is an act of faith, trust and dependence since we know that he is evidently able to take care of everything committed to him as our second reading tells us.

    So let us exercise this faith and totally give him ourselves to build his home among us. He is Emmanuel, God with us.

    God our Father, you desire to live with us. As we prepare for your coming, make our hearts glow with love and affection. May we give ourselves to you as Mary our mother did in total humility, selflessness, love and trust. Come and live in us and make our hearts you home through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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