Buhari and APC are Satanic Entities


    President Muhammadu Buhari and the APC are Satanic entities that have remained the greatest evils that have existed in the history of Nigeria. Virtually all the evil doers in our great country called Nigeria have assembled in APC, and making the party their new abode. Buhari and the APC, which has scripted Nigeria into Satanic verses, will very soon meet their waterloo as their days are already numbered. It could be recalled that it was because of the great evils committed by the PDP, while it was given the opportunities to rule Nigeria, Nigerians irrespective of parties, religion, tribes, etc, decided to vote in Buhari’s led APC government into power in replacement of the PDP, hoping the government would bring an end to all the atrocities in Nigeria. Unfortunately, reverse became the case because Nigerians never knew that Buhari and his APC government have greater evil agenda than the PDP.
    Since coming into power in 2015, Buhari and his APC led suicidal government have committed more pogrom than that of Adolf Hitler’s Nazist government and what the American government did in Japan, Afganistan, lraq and Libya. Buhari and his APC led government that have no human feelings have turned Nigeria into a country of blood. The government which derived joy in killing people and suffering people since taken over power have killed not less than three million Nigerians through the help of sponsored groups of Boko Haram, lSWAP and the Nigerian security agencies. Apart from their murderous activities, Buhari and the APC breed and enjoy corruption. It is now a matter for regret that Buhari, who has replaced ldi Amin of Uganda and Baby Duck of Chile, promised he and APC were coming to fight corruption have presently become the evil monster called corruption ravaging Nigeria. Corruption has found favour and confidence in Buhari and APC. The country is now anarchious.
    Buhari and APC have shown they are incapable of solving the country’s problems, but it is interested in causing more problems and hobnobbing with criminals. The latest of Buhari and APC height of criminality was the pardoning of two Ex- Governors, Joshua Dariye and Jolly Nyame, who were convicted for criminality by competent courts of law, while those who were convicted for lesser offences and even those convicted for what they did not commit are still serving jail terms in various prisons in Nigeria. The former Governor of Delta,James Onanefe lbori, who served jail terms for the same offences Dariye and Nyame commited should also be pardoned. The pending case of the former EFCC Boss lbrahim Magu has secretly been swept under the red carpet, while there is a hidden plan to also sweep the case of Abba Kyari under the carpet and make sure he was not repatriated to face a trial of criminal charges in America as requested by the American government. These actions of Buhari and APC are not news to Nigerians any longer. This was Buhari’s act when he diverted over N2.5billion oil money as a Military Minister of Oil.
    And as a Military head of State, he was involved in the issue of 53 suit cases that disappeared from the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos. The plan also by Buhari and APC to stop the South East from producing the President of Nigeria come 2023, has also been concluded.


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