
    MONDAY APRIL 22, 2024
    Acts 11:1-18
    John 10:1-10


    As disciples and apostles of Christ, we are called to become channels of God’s blessings and graces. We are called to be opened to the inspiration of Christ and to work allowing Christ fulfill his desire and will through us to the world.

    Jesus describes himself in the gospel of today as the door of the sheep. He says. “I am the door, if any one enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” He is the door which leads to the sheepfold.

    His task to safeguard the life of the sheep is paramount for him. He is the door that the sheep recognizes as the only way and place to go in and out because the sheep knows that they are safe with him and enters through this door. Again he leads them well and they know his voice and follow him. He guides them well and leads them as a good shepherd.

    As the door of the sheep, the sheep recognizes this door, follows it and are comfortable with it because they are safe in it. The life of the sheep is secure, enhanced and guided as they enter the door. The sheep finds comfort and peace.

    The image of Jesus as the door is taken today in the gospel by Peter who listens to the inspirations and dreams that he received and acted on it to save Cornelius and his household. He equally had to explain himself to the body of the apostles about the action that he could not understand yet he followed well.

    Peter, a Jew was associating and meeting with Gentiles and even becoming the one that helped them to gain faith and baptism. He even entered their house and touched them and prayed with the Gentiles.

    Peter did not allow his human inhibitions to become stumbling block in the task of spreading the gospel and saving souls. Peter became a channel of God’s Grace and blessings to the Gentiles and not a stumbling block in their way to salvation.

    God calls us all to be channels of blessing and graces to our brothers and sisters. We must shun and abhor all attitudes of becoming stumbling blocks to people who come to us. We must never be points of scandal to them, or discouragement to them in the faith. But we must always encourage, enhance and promote people’s faith and love of God by being channels of blessings snd graces to them.

    Recall that God has never ever denied us but rather God uses people to bless us. So you must be blessings nor curses or bad luck to people in this journey of life. Be a blessing, be Goodluck to people, and be channels through which God’s blessings, favours and graces passes to meet people in their life situations. It is never easy but it is very possible and worthy.

    God our father, you made Jesus the door to the sheep. And we continue to receive your favours through Jesus. Help us to be like Jesus in becoming channels and doors of blessings to all around us. May your blessings, favours and graces flow through us to others bringing rejoicing and joyfully gratitude in them through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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