
    THURSDAY MAY 23, 2024
    James 5:1-6
    Mark 9:41-50


    All Christians struggle to live above certain vices. A Christian tries to maintain and foster certain standards in their relationship with others. But there is the tendencies always to slide into error or scandals. Scandals that our lifestyles, habits and attitudes can cause by sending wrong signals to others in their innocent and simplicity of their lives making them victims of our bad conduct. Such has its very grave repercussion which we must understand and avoid.

    A Christian lives a life understanding that every of his or her actions, attitudes, and behaviour towards others can become either a source of strength to others or cause others to stumble in their faith and become a cause of scandal to them.

    Jesus warns us against becoming sources of scandals to people around us. The kind of impression we give to people can actually bring about our doom and eternal punishment or on the other hand elevate us to a higher spiritual level. We must therefore take heed and be alert never to be a cause of scandals.

    In fact, Jesus desires that whatever may lead us to cause or anything in us becoming sources of scandal to others must be cut off, removed and denied. The radical nature of removing these things no matter where they come from is very much explained by Jesus.

    Jesus associated these causes of scandals with the very good part of us which are indispensable for a good life. Our eyes or feet or hands are needed dearly for the full functioning of our sense and bodily parts. But when they become sources of evil for us, he proposes that we remove them totally. This should never be taken literally but must be seen in its figurative way of instilling in us the evil of scandals and the radical actions we must take to avoid scandals.

    It means in practical terms making serious efforts, mortifying ourselves, disciplining our life, fighting against all forms of scandals and seriously striving to overcome scandals because of their devastating effects on our souls and because of the eternal punishment it plunges us into.

    Instead, Jesus advocates for a life of generous self giving which brings great rewards to us. As little as a cup of water can earn us great rewards before God our Father. And here too Saint James reminds us in the first reading that our material possessions are meant for service of others. And we must maintain and foster social justice and charitable disposition over against wicked actions, stinginess, injustice and oppression of the poor.

    Our relationship with people must be oriented towards their wellbeing and happiness and never to their detriment or sadness. Because the consequences of our relationship can earns us either serious punishment that are eternal or rewards of better life and happiness in the future.

    Heavenly Father, you teach us that the kind of impressions we leave in the lives of people we relate with, have values that follow us and determine our eternal joys or punishment. We beg you Lord, deliver us from all scandals that may lead us to eternal punishment. Quicken our spirits to mortify and check ourselves by avoiding giving scandals to people. Help us to relate with people leaving sweet memories, better relationships and godly souls. And may the blessings of happiness, with eternal glories visit us through Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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