APC, PDP, INEC and the Shame of 2023 Election


    Nobody gives what he/she does not have. The APC, and the PDP whose visible structures are anti-democratic, with the help of the corrupt and irresponsible attitude of the INEC, in the just concluded 2023 general election, have shown that they can certainly not nurture an ideal political situation in Nigeria. The total disdain and undemocratic practices (rigging, killings of innocent Nigerians and other electoral vices) demonstrated at the election were enough for anyone with his or her right senses to doubt the capabilities of APC, PDP and INEC to conduct the business of good governance in a fragile democracy such as ours credibly. The APC, PDP and INEC have failed Nigerians. The exhibitions of the uncivilized and murderous characters of the two major parties in Nigeria during the election with the help of the INEC, which was the umpire have left Nigerians without hope, as the travails of the common man would continue, only God knows when it will end. Moreover, given the track records of majority of people declared winners of the elections.
    There is no doubt to say that apart from the election conducted by INEC under the chairmanship of Attahiru Jega, that brought President Mohammadu Buhari, other elections conducted in Nigeria remained a sham. The worst of all remains the 2023 election conducted by INEC under the chairmanship of Mamoud Yakubu.
    Nigerians should not be discouraged by the outcome of the 2023 charade general election. What all well meaning Nigerians, particularly true lovers of democracy, must do now, who God keeps alive, to start making spirited efforts to ensuring that come 2027, the INEC would be prevented from being able to rig back APC and PDP to power. The exit of APC and PDP from governance is what matters most, if the country wants to move forward. The crowd of irresponsible and criminal politicians that have been contesting elections on the platforms of APC and PDP, showed the two self acclaimed largest political parties in Africa continent are indeed like the Fuji House of Commotion. It is not a sign of a well organized parties that have the interests of Nigerians and Nigeria a nation, but a convergence of ideologically strange bed-fellows with criminal intentions to devour the nation. APC and PDP, noted for always being in dilemmas since their inceptions have been doing everything possible with the help of INEC in every general election to impose their candidates on Nigerians. Come 2027, Nigerians must come out en mass to resist such impositions and riggings.
    Although, politics is a parade of the good, the bad and the ugly politicians, but Nigerians must make sure they get it right unfailingly come 2027, to have a clean break with the ugly past which will ensure that the money bags with stolen riches are disgraced, while young, vibrant, visionary and patriotic candidates emerged to lead the country to the promised land.
    Until our leaders take a cue from the likes of late Julius Nyerere of Tanzzania and Nelson Mandela of South Africa, who went into politics, not to amass wealth but to serve, and did not find it difficult to leave office, the mad rush for political offices will not abate in Nigeria. That is why it is very important that Nigerians must continue to use their franchise to reject corrupt personalities at the polls, irrespective of their stupendous wealth or political affiliations. Those who have failed to judiciously use the mandate given to them in the past have no moral justifications to be re-elected or enlist for higher political offices.
    It is not far-fetched to say that INEC has been the one behind allowing the people’s franchise not to count after collecting huge sums of monetary gratifications from these moneybags. This has made it impossible for the masses to rescue Nigeria from the jaws of tyranny and autocratic rules of APC and PDP, hence preventing the country from the path of true democracy where the people would be king.
    It is a known fact that vast majority of Nigerians still wallow in abject poverty and misery, while unemployment, underemployment, insecurity, hunger etc remain unacceptably high, because of APC and PDP bad leadership. Despite the huge increase in our foreign exchange earnings and external reserves and our vast human and natural resources, over seventy five million Nigerians continue to live in absolute poverty. One in five children dies before reaching the age of five, while over twelve million children are out of school. Our schools and hospitals lack necessary facilities. And millions of Nigerians die of preventable diseases.
    Nigeria remains a net importer of food products and one of the least industrialized nations in the universe. The country’s infrastructure is grossly inadequate and embarrassingly dilapidated. Power and other sectors have collapsed. Presently, Nigeria is just like a dead body begging to be buried.
    The APC and PDP which are a “never do well administrations have only succeeded in embarking in re-engineering processes and policies that have no impact on the basic living conditions of the average Nigerians. Rather, the re-engineering processes and policies only made their family members and close associate rich. This is immoral of a government. It is unacceptable to Nigerians.
    This is why Nigerians should not fail to vote out APC and PDP come 2027, however voting in leaders that can drive the good economic policy by a “people first” philosophy, which seeks to place the interests of Nigerians first before some abstract economic performance indicators that have little or no bearing on bread and butter issues.


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