
    The All Progressive Congress and the People’s Democratic Party perfidious civilian junta government are not better than armed robbery gang. Armed robbery gang may even be better than the government in comparison because of the human sympathy sometimes exhibited by the robbery gang. But the APC and PDP government which have no human face have no human sympathy in their existence.
    These egregious APC and PDP self acclaimed leaders with their egocentric ways of life have destroyed Nigeria. It will only take the mercy of God for the country to come back to the good situation it was before the advent of these said parties came to the center stage of power. If one could be allowed to run through the roll calls of the leadership diary, it is obviously clear than none of the leaders is free from criminal records. That is the reason why Nigeria found herself in this present quagmires. Because it is a known fact a nation with criminals in the helm of affairs has no future.
    With the current happening in the country, it requires Nigerians should pick up courage to chase these idiots out of leadership which they do not merit. It has been done in different countries of the world where criminals under guise of leadership held their countries hostages.
    In the Philippines, late President Ferdinand Marcos, who died in exile was challenged and chased away from the government house by the masses.
    Late Field Marshall Idi Amin Dada of Uganda, who also died in exile in Saudi Arabia, was chased away from the government house by the masses of the country with the help of the Tanzanian government headed by Julius Nyerere, then. Our next door neighbor, Niger Republic recently chased away their President. The Nigerien military was able to do it because of the masses support. Same were done in Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea etc. Nigeria should not be an exception.
    Nigerians should undermined the venomous words of the chief of Defense Staff, who has turned Nigerian army into political army and mockery, because of his stomach infrastructural benefitsherbenefits. He should be reminded that in the Philippines when the military failed the masses the Filipinos overrun them even with their guns and armoured tanks when mass action was taken.
    The Chief of Defense Staff should be reminded again that he should not on any alter of money, mortgage the conscience, courage, faith and salvation of the masses, because if he did it will definitely backfire. And the outcome will be very disasterious. He should know that courage is rightly esteemed the first quality which guarantees others. So, to get the full value of joy and life in Nigeria, these criminal leaders should be sent out of leadership roles. This is the time the masses of Nigeria should take position to enable the power of love overrules the love of power.


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