
    THURSDAY MAY 9, 2024
    Acts 1:1-11
    Ephesians 4:1-13
    Mark 16: 11-16


    One of the benefit of being a Christian can be seen in these doctrines of the victory of Christ. It is also one of the article of our faith. One of such doctrines and reality of human experience is that of the ascension of the Lord. It teaches a truth that consoles humanity, reassures man of eternal blessedness, and gives man comfort and solace to move on confidently in this world irrespective of the challenges faced in life.

    The catholic catechism defines the usefulness and importance of the doctrine of ascension to humanity by stating three important truths that concerns humanity greatly.

    First, that Christ’s ascension into heaven “marks the definitive entrance of Jesus’ humanity into God’s heavenly domain, whence he will come again.” (CCC 665). That is what we read in the first reading of today. The acts of the Apostles states this human experience of Jesus but wants to use such to demonstrate that humanity has now the capacity to be found in the house of God. Christ the first fruits has entered through his humanity into heaven and so has opened the door for all humanity to also enter and share the heavenly kingdom. It portends that such entrance to the heavenly kingdom is for all humanity for before now no one has ever be admitted to that heavenly bliss. As said, “left to its own natural powers humanity does not have access to the Father’s House… only Christ can open to man such access that we, his members, might have confidence that we too shall go where he, our Head and our Source, has preceded us.” (CCC 654)

    Secondly, man has been offered the hope of being in God’s kingdom at the end of our earthly journey by the ascension of our Saviour. Jesus therefore our head and source since he has opened the kingdom for us will surely admit us into the kingdom. So we are hopeful and we live with such hope of joining him in his kingdom.

    Lastly, the ascension demonstrates a greater awareness that we are being looked after, checked, taken care of and cared for by Christ who seats at the right hand of God interceding for us. For having entered the kingdom of God, he is able to intercede for us before God for he is seated as our mediator and God to watch over us and take care of our problems. So we are encouraged and by all means we are urged on in this journey of life.

    Our tasks as pilgrims waiting and working for the kingdom already established is therefore given us in the gospels of today. We are to go out and proclaim the kingdom to all, and bring people into this kingdom already established by our Saviour. Working for the kingdom is a task that only believers will undertake and prosper with all earnestness and zeal. Let us not relent in our striving and effort to prosper and
    expound the kingdom of our Saviour and God Jesus Christ. It is a task incumbent on us.

    Heavenly Father, by your ascension to the heavenly kingdom, we are assured of our eternal home, enabled to work and strive to continue establishing this kingdom. Grant us docile spirit to strive intensely for your kingdom, to live in the sure hope of eternity, and to work in drawing souls to this heavenly blissed promised and attained by our saviors Jesus Christ in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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