
    MONDAY DECEMBER 11, 2023
    Isaiah 35:1-10
    Luke 5:17-26


    The mercy and compassion of our God is directed not merely to our physical well-being but most especially towards man’s spiritual well-being more than anything else.

    The narrative presented in the gospel of today wherein the paralyzed man was brought before Jesus and the initial healing instinct of Jesus was to administer cleansing and forgiveness of the many sins of this paralyzed man. Jesus absolves the man from his sins before then going ahead to attend to the man’s physical healing of his paralysis.

    This action of Jesus goes against the people’s expectations, because they had brought the man for restoration of his physical health so that he may regain the use of his body and can walk and be useful to himself. The desperation of the people in even removing the roof of the house speaks of the despicable and terrible situation of the man. The urgency of restoring the health of this paralyzed can be seen by the people’s action.

    As prophesied by the prophet in today’s first reading, that is the character of the messianic age in which will flourish all good things. Water will be made abundant in arid soil, in dry areas, plants shall grow and be watered. Isaiah speaks of the rejoicing and gladness that will visit the people. “For waters shall break for them in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; the haunt of jackals shall become a swamp, the grass shall become reeds and rushes.”

    This prophecy does not only speak of the physical and the earthly existence but goes further and more importantly into the spiritual and eternal salvation and glory of mankind. It says, “And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

    Therefore, demonstrating this today, the attribute of Jesus showing his godhead was witnessed as he went against the expectation of the people, and declared the paralyzed man free from his sins. Jesus forgave the man his sins thereby effecting the spiritual healing of the man.

    Dear friends, Jesus did this to demonstrate that sins is the first enemy of man and sin strangulate humanity and keeps us enslave to the elementary spirits of the world. Just as the Jews also believe that sins and evil are the root causes of their fall and the cause of the bad conditions and situations that inflicts them, since sins separates us from our good God and makes us susceptible to the attack of the evil forces.

    So the restoration of man must begin from healing his relationship with God and that is the first mission of Christ. To be healed completely is to be delivered from all sinful inclinations and habits. To be made whole is to be at peace with our God. Physical healing alone may never earn us salvation and well-being.

    Let us in this advent season seek to rid ourselves of all sinful inclinations and habits. We must submit ourselves to the cleansing powers of Christ and be ready to turn a new leaf. Going to confession and reinstating our relationship with God is key at this advent season with firm resolve to strive for perfection of life and conduct. So, God’s healing must begin from within our souls and that is the first to be cleansed from sins and faults because it create enmity with God. Let us begin to purge ourselves of all sins and iniquities with Jesus who is our healer and comforter and the bodily and physical healing will be easily restored.

    Heavenly Father, like the paralyzed man, we who are weak, poor and crippled by our sinful habits and inclinations come before you this season of advent begging for your mercy and compassion and to be healed spiritually and physically. Restore O Lord our union with you, and heal our infirmities of body, mind and soul. May this season bring us joy, peace and total wellbeing through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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