
    *Rep Ngozi Okolie “A Case Study” 

    Shame to the Delta State Election Tribunal. Shame to the Delta State People’s Democratic Party. Shame to Ndudi Elumelu.
    The noise of a frog does not stop an elephant from drinking water. Neither does the beauty of a coffin makes one wishes for death. It is also clear that a man who swallowed a coconut without chewing should prepares for a war in his anus.
    The Tribunal sitting in Asaba due to its judicial recklessness gave judgement in favour of the PDP candidate, Ndudi Elumelu, in Aniocha / Oshimili Federal Constituency House of Representatives election. Hence, nullifying the people’s mandate, Ngozi Okolie, that was voted for and declared winner by the INEC.
    With this judgement, the Tribunal has murdered sleep, while Ndudi Elumelu and Delta State PDP, who intend to inherit a property that does not belong to them by narrating false story with millions of naira to the Tribunal should know that no matter how kindly one treats a sleeping child, when he or she wakes up he or she must look for his or her mother. Since the declaration of Ndudi Elumelu winner of the election by the Tribunal, the People of Aniocha/Oshimili Federal Constituency have remained sorrowful but still hopeful that the Almighty God who gave Ngozi Okolie victory will still see him through.
    One thing remains sacrosanct. That is, no amount of bribe you gave will change the will of God. However, while Ndudi Elumelu and his PDP have millions of naira to bribe judges to get judgement, Ngozi Okolie, has no silver or gold to give to any Election Petition Tribunal but has only God and good service to render to the people of Aniocha/Oshimili Federal Constituency in the National Assembly.
    The people of Aniocha/Oshimili Federal Constituency have been assured that one with God is majority. Moreover it is not over until it is over. Ngozi Okolie despite the Tribunal’s judgement is still in high spirit and remains the Representative of Aniocha/ Oshimili in the NASS until the Supreme Court rules otherwise. Which will take sometime before the matter will get to the Apex Court and be decided.
    It could be recalled that it was because of this judicial recklessness and bribe taking, that was why some judges were arrested and messed up during President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.
    The judiciary remains the major bane of Nigeria’s elections’ matter. About 90% of Tribunal judges are corrupt. Deciding elections’ issues by some Tribunal judges is always based on the highest bidder.
    Meanwhile the Old Boys Association of St Patrick’s College, Asaba, where Ngozi Okolie attended have thrown their weight behind him. Ngozi Okolie has filed an appeal in Appeal Court challenging the the judgment of the Tribunal.


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