
    TUESDAY OCTOBER 15, 2024
    Galatians 5:1-6
    Luke 11:37-41


    The spiritual life is both internal and external. It flows from the internal, that is, from the heart, the soul and the spirit and it finds its expressions externally in bodily gestures, signs, symbols, actions and rituals. But when the external becomes overemphasised leaving behind the internal, there is a big problem. Or when the external manifestations becomes empty, and machanically without reason and purpose, or done without good intentions, then the most important part which is the internal disposition becomes sterile and of no effect. Then there is a big problem.

    In the first reading of today, Paul criticises the mere keeping of laws without faith. He points to the very law of circumcision as practiced by the Jews which tends to enslave the people. Adhering to circumcision without the internal disposition makes no serious effect. Being circumcised without faith is useless according to Saint Paul.

    He states, “For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love.” Paul advocates for a balance in our spiritual lives between our internal disposition and our external manifestations.

    In the gospel, Jesus was invited and was dinning with the Pharisees who kept scrupulous observance of the laws of ritual washing before meal, after meal and others. They accused Jesus of not keeping to their ritual washings. At this point, Jesus cautions them against the over emphasis on external ritual purification and general external religious manifestations which adds nothing to their internal disposition. For these empty rituals are only meant to impress people, to please the people and to give false evidence of their religious inclinations when in reality their hearts, soul, spirit are filled with all forms of devilish and evil intentions.

    For Jesus, our religiosity must stem from the internal and manifest in the external. He tells them in protest, “Now you Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and of the dish, but inside you are full of extortion and wickedness. You fools! Did not he who made the outside make the inside also?”

    As long as we desire to be ritually pure, spiritually upright, religiously impeccable, we must pay attention to our internal disposition. Our hearts, our thoughts, our souls, our spirits must be clean, pure, holy, and filled with spiritual riches and worthy thoughts. From these will naturally flow our external manifestation, our ritual will become effective, our external religiosity will be attractive and sincere. In fact, we will be able to manifest the virtues expected of us as Christian and followers of Christ.

    So let us review our external manifestations again in our era. Our attendance at Mass with our flamboyant dressing and shows, are we really sincere in mass attendance or merely showing off? Our wearing of religious articles like the rosary, the scapulars, the medals, are we real? Or have we other intentions? Even our membership of church religious associations and societies, are we there in these societies to serve God and humanity in humility or to serve ourselves, boost our self image, show off ourselves and seek self importance.?

    We need to readjust our priorities and our intentions will have to be guarded and even reformed. Our external manifestation must be purified from being overly domineering in selfish desires and intentions.

    Our intentions must be appropriated and focused on salvation of our souls, giving honour to our God and upholding our God given virtues that bring us closer to our God and our eternal redemption.

    Heavenly Father, we live to love and serve you. All our actions and intentions are known by you. May we never indulge in false and pretentious lifestyle. But may we remain genuine in our spiritual devotions, quests and exploits. Grant us growth in our spiritual life, good health to our souls, spirits and body. And May our external religious manifestations, flow always from our internal dispositions and bring us fruits of peace, happiness and eternal rewards through Christ our Lord
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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