Affluence and Austerity: The Rolls-Royce Cullinan Gift to Bishop Oyedepo Amidst Nigeria’s Economic Hardship


The recent presentation of a Rolls-Royce Cullinan, reportedly worth 1.5 billion naira, to Bishop David Oyedepo on his 70th birthday has sparked widespread debate, particularly in light of Nigeria’s ongoing economic challenges. As the leader of one of the largest religious organizations in the country, Bishop Oyedepo’s acceptance of such an extravagant gift has drawn both praise and criticism from various quarters.

Dignitaries, prominent clerics, friends and family members celebrated with the founder of Living Faith Church Worldwide, also known as Winners Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo on September 27, as he marked his 70th birthday.

The Economic Context: A Nation in Hardship

Nigeria is currently grappling with one of its most severe economic downturns. With inflation soaring, the cost of living has escalated, leaving many Nigerians struggling to afford basic necessities. The World Bank reported in 2022 that over 40% of the population lives in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 a day. For more than 60% of Nigerians, feeding their families is a daily struggle, with luxuries like decent accommodation and quality education becoming increasingly unattainable. In this context, the presentation of a Rolls-Royce Cullinan to a religious leader has raised questions about the appropriateness of such a display of wealth. For many, it seems incongruous that at a time when so many are suffering, such opulence is being celebrated.

A Call for Empathy and Redistribution

One school of thought argues that this show of affluence is not only unnecessary but also insensitive, particularly given the economic realities faced by the majority of Nigerians. Critics suggest that religious leaders, who wield significant influence, should demonstrate empathy towards the plight of their followers. They contend that the resources used to purchase the luxury vehicle could have been better spent on initiatives aimed at alleviating poverty, such as supporting education, healthcare, and food security for the less privileged. Furthermore, within the Winners’ Chapel congregation itself, there are likely many members who are enduring severe austerity. For these individuals, witnessing their leader receive such an extravagant gift might be disheartening, especially if they feel their own struggles are being overlooked.

Religious Justifications and Scriptural References

On the other hand, there are those who defend the gift, citing biblical precedents to justify its acceptance. In Matthew 26:11, Jesus tells His disciples, “For you have the poor with you always, but Me you do not have always.” This passage is often interpreted to mean that while caring for the poor is important, acts of generosity, even extravagant ones, have their place. The example of the woman who anointed Jesus with costly oil, despite the objections of His disciples who felt the oil should have been sold and the money given to the poor, is frequently cited in this context. Jesus not only accepted the woman’s act but also praised her, saying, “Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her” (Matthew 26:13).
Supporters of the gift to Bishop Oyedepo may argue that, like the woman with the alabaster flask, those who contributed to the purchase of the Rolls-Royce are expressing their devotion and honor in a manner they deem fitting. They may also invoke the biblical injunction “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:1), cautioning against passing judgment on the actions of others without fully understanding their intentions.

Balancing Affluence and Austerity in Religious Leadership

The debate surrounding the Rolls-Royce Cullinan gift to Bishop Oyedepo highlights the complex relationship between wealth, religion, and social responsibility. On one hand, religious leaders are often seen as role models who should prioritize the needs of their followers, particularly in times of widespread hardship. On the other hand, there is a longstanding tradition within many religious communities of honoring their leaders with gifts, sometimes lavish ones, as a sign of respect and gratitude.
Ultimately, the discussion raises important questions about the role of religious organizations in addressing social inequalities and the ways in which their leaders navigate the tension between personal affluence and the collective needs of their communities. As Nigeria continues to face economic challenges, these questions will likely remain at the forefront of public discourse, prompting ongoing reflection on the responsibilities of religious leadership in times of crisis.


In conclusion, the Rolls-Royce Cullinan gift to Bishop Oyedepo is emblematic of broader societal debates about wealth, religion, and social justice. While some view it as an unnecessary display of opulence in a time of economic hardship, others see it as a legitimate expression of reverence and devotion. Both perspectives offer valuable insights into the ways in which religious communities navigate the intersection of faith and material wealth, and how these dynamics play out in the context of a nation facing profound economic challenges.

Emeka Odiakosa is a social commentator.


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