
    Proverbs 30:5-9
    Luke 9: 1-6


    We represent Christ on earth. As his disciples, we carry his message to the ends of the earth. This message is that of the plan of God our Father for humanity. Our Christian profession and life obliges and commissions us to act for Christ, be Christ in the world and live spreading the message of Christ to all mankind.

    The gospel of today reminds us of this obligation reposed on us by our acceptance of the Christian life and ways. “He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal.” Preaching the gospel of Christ ultimately aims to establish the reign of God in the world.

    It is a conscious effort we must make, a task imposed on us and which we must be aware of and earnestly strive to carry out in our daily struggles and life situations.

    It is a task incumbent on all irrespective of one’s state, status and occupation. No one is removed from this task. Many think that it is a task for ministers of the gospel alone, like the priests, bishops, pastors and evangelizers. This is a very wrong idea. Every Christian is called to establish the kingdom of God or the reign of God and to heal the world in whatever life profession one finds himself or herself.

    How can this be done? The task is clear, which is to establish the kingdom of God, and heal our world. First the power comes from God himself and has equally be committed to us. The power is within us to do it. We need to activate the power that is within us and begin to use it profitably for the establishment of God’s kingdom.

    The powers of prayer, meditation and contemplation. Calling on God in prayer, staying with God in meditation and contemplation leads us to acknowledge the supremacy of God, and the need to live under his authority, to submit to the ordinances of our God and calling on others to do likewise. God’s word and ordinances gives life, sustained and rules. This is the supreme tasks we are called to do, which is drawing people to submit to God’s supremacy.

    The book of Proverbs puts it well. “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” So, in God is the riches of life revealed. And staying under God’s authority is sure and safe. For God is our refuge and shield. In God is our salvation. No evil forces can trouble us any more.

    So bringing the world and his inhabitants to acknowledge the supremacy of God, and living under his authority by submitting to his will and ordinances is the objective to realize in spreading the gospel. It means therefore living in truth. Moving away from falsehood and false life. Upholding the truth of our existence.

    The greatest truth and most important of all is recognising that the world has been redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross of calvary and the need to spread this news, convincing people that Christ want a new life for us.

    In doing this, there are many obstacles to face as Jesus pointed them in the gospel. First is the obstacle of materialism. We must arm ourselves with the intent never to be consumed by the beauty of the world, the urge for possession and the pleasure of life. Seeking comfort in life is enimical to this task. So Jesus urges us, “Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics. And whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart.”

    We must be single minded on this journey, and never allow materialism to consume us. This, we must struggle against.

    He again urges us to stand firm and never be afraid or angry in the face of rejection. Because, the world will definitely reject us and our message and this might provoke us and make us feel dejected. This is the greatest act of discouragement that we may encounter in the task of spreading the good news. Rejection comes in different ways and styles. Some may be hard, systematic and serious while others are mild and distracting. Many disciples were humiliated, killed and subjected to untold sufferings. Others were laugh at and thrown away, banished and sent out. Many were lured to forget their mission by systematic devilish alurement and enticement with material things, and earthly possession. These can properly be called distractions since they came in form of enticement, and temptations. But properly all are geared towards rejection of the message and mission of spreading the goodness of Christ.

    In the face of rejection, keep going, don’t give a thought to it. Shake the dust from your feet. Let the message of Christ continue to lead in life.

    We must not forget that our mission as Christians is not to be successful but to be faithful. Successful Christians build kingdoms on earth but faithful missionaries attend to God’s glory and build kingdoms in heaven where Christ lives and reigns for ever and ever.

    God our Father, you call and sent us to represent you by proclaiming you and establishing your kingdom in the world. Grant us the zeal and the spirit of commitment to this task. May we seek your honour and glory, draw people closer to you, and bring your kingdom of love, peace and happiness to reign through our works and life’s endeavours through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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