
    TUESDAY AUGUST 6, 2024
    Daniel 7:9-10.13-14
    2 Peter 1:16-19
    Matthew 17:1-9


    The great apostles, Peter, James and John had a deeper testimony of Jesus to give. John’s claim in his prologue as he wrote, “we saw his glory” is a testimony of one who witnessed something others have not KNOWN. Peter’s testimony in today’s second reading says it all. He attests saying, “For when he received honour and glory from God the Father and the voice was borne to him by the Majestic Glory, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,” we heard this voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.”

    So the disciples devotedness, conviction, doggedness and strong desire to witness arises from this sure knowledge of who Jesus was, whom they have witnessed and so sure of who he is.

    The feast of the transfiguration which we celebrate today, attests to the witness of those who was shown something greater and more convincing about Jesus, as Son of man, son of God and as fulfilment of the messianic prophecy.

    The description of the event of the transfiguration has some nuances that should also compel us to seek to know him better. Its goes beyond titles that Jesus is called to a more intimate knowledge and appreciation of his mission and personality.

    From the testimony of the three disciples who witnessed and describes the events for us, we can glean first, that Jesus showed his surpassing glory to them. And they described how his clothes changed to brilliant white, this appearance was intimidating and his countenance was not one of this world.

    Secondly the witness of Moses and Elijah, representing the laws and the prophets was even more telling. They came as complementing and witnessing, and attesting to the authority of Jesus as the expected messiah. Their discussion with Jesus about his coming suffering and death, witnesses to their concordance or agreement with his mission on earth.

    Thirdly, the voice of the Father that overshadowed them with the clouds, overwhelmingly speaks of the divine mandate of Jesus who has the Father’s seal to this mission. And in the words of the Father, Jesus is witnessed as the beloved son. “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”

    This brings out the whole essence of the event, to bring faith, greater knowledge and commitment to those he have been sent. The command, “listen to him” is addressed to Peter, James and John and indeed to us all who believe in him. It is a call to work, believe and hold Jesus in higher esteem above everything.

    Recall that Jesus has always taken these same disciples to very important places, like the time he raised from the dead the daughter of Jairus and the time he was in the garden of Gethsamani. All these are ways of getting them to know him better.

    For these disciples, we feel what they witnessed, something beyond them, though sweet, refreshing, wishing that it stays and never goes away. No wonder Peter begged the Lord saying, “Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

    It is a satisfying event, but one that its meaning must not elude us. First, to convince us of the messianic role and mission of Christ. As a consequence, to build our trust and faith in him. To make us ardent followers and faithful disciples. Second, to point us to his ideals, his mission of saving souls, his suffering, his death and his resurrection. That the cross does not become a stumbling block but a way and symbol of salvation. And lastly, to witness of the life to come, eternity with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It is a knowledge to be grabbed that God has plans for us after this earthly life.

    Our response is to comply with his mission, accepting to work with him, choosing the way of the master, the cross that may come our way, and relying on the powers that he gives while waiting expectantly on the glory of heaven.

    God our Father, your transfiguration calls us to greater knowledge of you. Help us to seek you daily and enter into greater union with you. Grant us the privilege of witnessing your precious glory on earth by life of purity and commitment to the ideals of our faith. Bless us with your daily divine presence, to lighten our ways, carry our burdens, and lead us at last to eternal glory through Christ our Lord
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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