Buhari, APC Incompetent


Disintegration of Nigeria the only way?        

The truth in Nigeria remains that President Muhammadu Buhari and his APC led criminal government are incompetent to run the affairs of Nigeria. The government with bunch of criminal cartel has shown since coming to power that it has nothing good to offer to Nigeria and her citizenry, rather than offering criminality, starvation, division and death to Nigerians. If Nigerians allowed APC government to rule the country beyond 2023, they should know that sooner or later there will be no country called Nigeria. The present situation has shown than Nigeria is heading towards extinction. In order to avoid this, because there is anarchy already in the country, Nigerians must come together irrespective of party, religion and religious affiliations to stop APC from coming back to power in 2023. It is presently a clear vision that APC enriched with political criminals, armed and pen robbers, murderers, bandits, terrorists, any evil one can think, has nothing good for the nation.

In other to avoid more disasters in Nigeria, if Nigerians would be unable to stop the party from returning to power in 2023, it is better the country divides. If the country cannot part way, a better system of government should be implemented. One cannot denied the fact that there is no peace and stability in Nigeria. If there is no stability, there will be no security and progress. And it will be difficult to have sustainable peace.

However, a better Nigeria can be achieved if there were restoration of fairness and justice in the polity. All together there must be a redress of the injustices and inequalities that the Military, PDP and Buhari APC led government created.

Lets demonstrate the inequalities as follow. Ijebu kingdom consists if major commercial towns like ljebu Ode, ljebu Mushin, ljebu lgbo, Odogbolu, Sagamu, lkenne, etc. When you compare the kingdom with Kebbi State, Jigawa, Sokoto, Yobe, Gombe, which are one town States. Just use any map to just this analysis, it will bring to your understanding and clear picture of the major towns.

 In Kebbi State, the only major town is Birni Kebbi. Jigawa State has Dutse, which is the capital as the major town. Sokoto State has Sokoto town as the major town. Gombe State has only Gombe town as the only major town. Yobe State has Potiskum as a major town, while Zamfara State also has Gusau as its major town. But other acclaimed towns in these aforementioned States are just  equivalent to major villages in Southern Nigeria. When you come to Ogun State for instance, there are many major towns.

So in terms of economic viability and authentic population, ljebu Kingdom is more viable and populated than Sokoto, Katsina, Zamfara, Kebbi, Yobe and Gombe States. One can see that the ljebu kingdom has been cheated or short changed by argument.

More analysis showed that lbadan is more populated than old Kano State, but old Kano State was splitted into two States, leaving lbadan which was supposed to be splitted into two States unsplitted.

It is important and fair that each zone in Nigeria should have equal number of States. Lagos which is a colony should be what Hong Kong is to Republic of China. No doubt Lagos which has about twenty million population and in terms of being the economic hub of the country should be made three States.

The Middle Belt, which has the Tiv Land with major towns like Makurdi, Gboko,Yandel, Katsina Ala and some other major towns has also been cheated. If the Tivs were to be in the North West. They would have been made a state.

When you come to the South South of Nigeria, three Senatorial Districts each from Edo, Delta and Cross Rivers States in terms of population and economic viability should be made States because they are worthy to be than most of the one town State in the far Northern Nigeria.

People should not disregard States, because it is the avenue for revenue allocation.

You come to Local Government Areas, majority of them are allocated to Northern Nigeria. For instance, Lagos which has about twenty million population has has twenty Local Government Areas, while a State like Jigawa that was cut out from old Kano State has twenty seven Local Government Areas. This showed how unfair the Northerners in power have been. One of the most regretable things is that especially the people of Southern Nigeria do not know their left from their right.

Nigerians should forget about Regional government or Regionalism because it is the same with Federalism. The different is that Regionalism is smaller in size, while Federalism is larger in size. What Nigerians should insist of getting is equality. Equal number of States, Local Government, Senatorial Districts for every zone that make up Nigeria.


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