INC Rebuke Governors of the Five States of South East Zone for not having Functional South East Governors Forum (SEGF)


Press Statement

INC Rebuke Governors of the Five States of South East Zone for not having Functional South East Governors Forum (SEGF)

The Igbo National Council (INC) has rebuked the Governors of South East Zone for their inability to convene or have a functional South East Governors Forum (SEGF).

INC believe that the major challenge is that some of the Governors of the South East Region are not representing the interest of the People of the State that they claim to be Governing neither are they representing the Regional Interest, but rather some of them are representing the interest of the neocolonial foreign powers and interest that facilitated their emergence as Governors to the detriment of the interest of the people of their State and that of South East Region.

The Igbo National Council (INC) therefore Condemn this act of cowardice and thus, enjoin the Governors of the five States in South East Zone to put their House in order, cooperate among themselves in order to collectively defend and represent the interest of South East people that they claim to serve.

In this vain, we are also calling on South East Caucus in the National Assembly to Start Meeting so the interest of South East Zone can be Properly presented and protected at the floor of the National Assembly.

Consequent upon the above, we therefore enjoin the Youths of South East Zone to Rise, Mobilize and pressure the Governors of the five States of the South East Zone to immediately commence the meeting of the South East Governors Forum (SEGF) or hide their faces in shame.


~Chilos Godsent
President, INC
1st May, 2024


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