
    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 23, 2024
    Ezekiel 18:21-28
    Matthew 5:20-26


    We must not be mediocre in observance of the law, doing the minimum requirement of the Lord. We must never be complacent in obeying the basic laws as laid out in the commandments of the Lord. We must go further and strive towards a steady growth in the grace of God.

    This is the admonition we receive from the readings of today. The prophet Ezekiel warns us against backsliding into error and sin. It is more devastating and invites greater punishment since it leaves one never rewarded with the past good life lived initially. The reward of such life lived before turning to evil is never remembered. So, we must keep a steady growth in our moral life and our relationship with God.

    The gospel message warns us against certain tendencies that may undermine our spiritual life and can pull us down easily. Jesus points us to the evil of anger. Anger in its three forms. Anger in the mind which we nurse and keep feeding and this brings us a lot of headaches, discomforts and bad feelings towards other. It puts us into great enmity with people and injects unforgiven spirit into our lives. This kind of spiritual laxity of unforgiveness, resentfulness, and strife sows seeds of sorrow into our souls as well as denies us of the grace of God. By not forgiving others we automatically become enemies of God.

    The other type of anger is that expressed in words when we rain abuses on people, call them despicable names and hurt them with our words. Such is judged by God with the seriousness of a sinners as stated in the gospel. That such a person is taken to the Supreme Court of the Jews and punishment is meted accordingly.

    The third and last form of anger is that shown in action. Such anger is conceived in the heart and one acts from it. We must never use other people’s sins or faults to repay them adversely. Rather, we must forgive and pray for those who sins against us.

    Jesus reminds us that we cannot be holding grudges and at the same time be in good relationship with God as to offer God thanks and offerings. He cautions us to first get reconciled with our neighbours before coming to the altar to present our gifts and offerings to God.

    We know how difficult forgiving people of their sins are to us human beings. But that is the only noble and sincere thing we have been asked to do. That is what guarantees our eternal salvation, our growth in grace and our lives in Christ. We must them begin to lean on Christ, asking for the grace of forgiveness, the grace to repent and maintain a steady growth in grace.

    This is the season of grace and we cannot afford to miss the point here. Jesus expects our working in cooperation with his grace by prayer, mortification and almsgiving. Let us keep a steady journey of faith and Christian life of grace depending on Christ for strength and throwing away everything which are done to us to hurt us but keeping a clear mind, pure heart and steady relationship with our God.

    God our Father, as human beings we are often hurt by people and we express intense anger and resentment. And we most times hurt people too. Grant us your grace to always recall that with you we can triumph over all our situations, rise above our hurts and forgive all who hurt us. May we rely on you, trust in your grace and strive earnestly to keep a steady growth in our spiritual life through Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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