A Comparative Analysis of Hon. Innocent Esewezie’s Governance: Case of the Ebu, Illah, Ugbolu, and Okpanam Markets


    As custodians of democracy, our elected representatives are bestowed with the trust of the public, but this is not without the expectation of probity, efficient administration, and adherence to an improved standard of living for the citizenry. In light of this, it behoves on us to critically examine the work done so far by Hon. Innocent Esewezie in the Ebu market and compare it with his undertakings at the Illah Ugbolu and Okpanam markets.

    The Ebu market, under Hon. Esewezie, leaves much to be desired. The noticeable lack of standard commodities, inadequate sanitary conditions, poor infrastructure, and an irregular trading system presents an appalling sight – a stark departure from the promises made. The situation depicts an inherent leadership vacuum, and it begs for an immediate corrective action.

    By contrast, one need only to visit the markets at Okpanam, Illah and Ugbolu to witness a different narrative. In Okpanam, the market is synonymous with vibrancy and orderliness. The facilities are well-maintained and the environment encourages a safe and relatively comfortable trading atmosphere for both buyers and sellers.

    Similarly, the Illah and Ugbolu market also stands as a testament to what is possible when proper administrative actions are taken. The market’s design embraces modern shopping concepts, competitively rivalling with markets in more urbanised regions of the country.

    It is pertinent, therefore, to ask, why this discrepancy exists? Why does it seem that Hon. Esewezie’s governance favours certain markets over others? Such a dichotomy in the quality of infrastructure and management further exacerbates the feeling of marginalisation among the people of Ebu.

    Community pride and satisfaction are correlates of the environment they inhabit – the Ebu market is a reflection of the community’s value. The less than satisfactory conditions threatens not only the livelihood of traders but also undermines community spirit. To tolerate such a substandard market is to humour an affront on the proud heritage of Ebu.

    The essence of governance is the equitable distribution of resources and fairness in administration. Esewezie’s achievements in Okpanam, Illah and Ugbolu markets are laudable and appreciable; however, replicating these successes across all public markets, including Ebu, is a requisite obligation. The uneven distribution of infrastructure and attention, as depicted in the aforementioned markets, constitutes an unfair treatment of the Ebu community, further widening socio-economic disparities that exist within the locale.

    Conclusively, the people of Ebu deserve the same level of attention, consideration and administrative prowess that have been evident in the Okpanam, Illah and Ugbolu markets. There need not be a disparity in the quality of markets within the same administrative jurisdiction.

    Our appeal, hence, is for Hon. Innocent Esewezie to use his good offices to bring the same level of development and transformation witnessed in Illah, Ugbolu and Okpanam markets to Ebu. We demand immediate and sustainable intervention in ensuring that Ebu market is elevated to the standard befitting its status as a crucial centre of commerce within this region.

    In conclusion, any governance that relegates the wellbeing and aspirations of a certain group to the periphery is seeking its decline. The community fervently awaits the prompt rectification of the anomalies spotted in the Ebu market, thereby bridging the disparity currently experienced between the Ebu market and its counterparts in Okpanam, Illah and Ugbolu We trust that this call to action would be heeded by Hon. Innocent Esewezie in the spirit of equitable service to the people.


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