
    SUNDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2024
    Leviticus 13:1-2.44-46
    1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1
    Mark 1:40-45


    The depressing nature of leprosy which turns a man into a disgraceful creature and humiliate him was turned around when the unthinkable was done by Jesus. He approached a man with leprosy and administered healing to the man, restoring the dignity and life of the leper to normalcy.

    The first reading describes the situations of a leper. In the book of Moses, especially in Leviticus, the leprous person is regarded as an outcast and treated as such. The LEPER, who suffers a skin disease that is highly contagious, and is regarded in the Jewish belief, as a punishment for sins and for the fact of its contagious nature, is excluded from the land of the living. A leprous is ritually declared by the priest and sent away from the people to live in isolation. The hair is scattered and he wears a shabby clothes to show his sinfulness which has brought him the consequence of this disease.

    The Gospel describes the plea by a leper for healing. And the plea acknowledges that Jesus has power and ability to heal and restore the leper to wholeness. The plea is an expression of faith and dependence on divine intervention. It shows that salvation, freedom and restoration is seen in Jesus. The despicable state of the leper can only be helped by the power of Jesus, the power from on high and the glories of heaven. That when it is beyond the earthly man, and powers, that Jesus the heavenly intervention cannot be beyond him. So the leper cried out expressing this faith.

    On the part of Jesus, he did not hesitate to reply to the plea of the leper in declaring and making him clean. Recall that the leper had requested to be made clean. Cleanse from what ever has happened to him, which consists 1. of spiritual sinfulness,
    2. bodily disfigurement and
    3. being isolated and humiliated.

    It is not just a mere physical ailment but it has also spiritual undertone. These, Jesus took to restore. Jesus restores both the physical, bodily ailment as well as the sinfulness that would have caused the leprosy, which nonetheless is spiritual.

    In restoring the leper, a unique way was used by Jesus. He shared in the lepers situation, and took away the leprosy. He did not just declare the healing. But he came to the leper, touched him and sent him away to see the priest and offer what the law requires. By touching of the leper which would have made Jesus unclean, symbolises the great gesture that Jesus took away the sickness and restored the man’s health in all ramifications, that is, the physical and the spiritual health.

    Jesus therefore is the bridge that destroyed the barrier between humanity and God. He came to take away whatever destroys our relationship with God and to restore us to good health of mind and body. He is our true priest and redeemer, our hope of salvation and our joy forever.

    In following him, Saint Paul urges us in the second reading, “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Further, he adds, Give no offence to Jews or to Greeks or to the Church of God, just as I try to please all men in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved. Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”

    The whole import of the healing of lepers is not only a demonstration of the powers of Jesus over our sicknesses, infirmities no matter how incurable it may be but also an attestation that all kinds of discriminations that separates us from one another has been banished by Jesus. So all forms of discrimination on tribal, racial, social, cultural and even religious backgrounds must never be entertained in our lives to divide humanity or become stumbling blocks to destabilize our union or togetherness as human beings. We must fight all those divisive elements in our society.

    Every human soul has value, quality, integrity, honour and respect. We must accord human beings such no matter the situation one finds himself or herself. We must help to enliven the human dignity and never debase them.

    Heavenly Father, you came to bring us life, wholeness and to take away our sins. We beg you, make us clean, forgive and wash away our sins, restore our health and give us life. Grant us also your spirit to work for harmony, unity and respect of human dignity in each one of us through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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