
    Judges 13:2-7.24-25
    Luke 1:5-25


    The two stories or events of the messages of God through his angels in bringing good news to individuals whom he favours have witnessed different reactions. While some may be commended because of the faith expressed in accepting that message, others may be condemned for the doubt and the feeling of uncertainty expressed.

    In our age and time, we have been communicating same message of hope, the coming of our Saviour and his birth, how have we received and reacted to this message, in great doubt or in faithful belief or in indifference?

    Our first reading recalls the birth of Samson, which came in a very great extraordinary way and signs. The mother was told that the boy would be a nazirite, as such, no razor will touch his hair and the mother must observe certain form of life. She was instructed to “drink no wine or strong drink, and eat nothing unclean.”

    And because it is the news of the coming of the Child, which long been expected and somewhat prayer of the mother, who had been barren for years, there is the likelihood that she will definitely keep to these instructions. But her reaction is our focus, she did not doubt but gave in to the prophecy accepting the instruction and abiding by it. She even related the message to her husband. Her faith was strong. She believed the message she received and acted on it.

    In the case of Zachariah, he was a priest, a high priest for that matter as at the time of this event, attending to the sanctuary at that point. His experience with the angel is one that evokes doubt in him at the news of the annunciation of John the baptist. And that made him dumb and unable to speak for the periods that John was still in the stomach of his mother. To have doubted the possibility of this message was a discredit to God and his ministry as a high priest, who was supposed to have known that God works in extraordinary ways. But we can’t blame Zachariah much because his human evidences and signs, did suggest to him a different thing. His reaction was to relate same human evidences to the angel that the wife is old and passed child bearing age. This evidence is so overwhelming that he could not fathom the possibility of His wife conceiving at all.

    Our reactions to God’s messages matter alot. When we concede to divine initiative we invariably admit divine wisdom is bigger and mightier than human mind. But when we subject all things to human wisdom we err. The consequences of Zachariah’s disbelief is the punishment of remaining dumb until the fulfilment of God’s designs.

    Man can never be the stumbling block to divine initiative. When we react adversely to divine initiative, God’s power takes us out. We must ask for faith in accepting God’s designs and messages.

    Heavenly Father, grant us the spirit to know your ways, to accept your messages in faith and to act on it. As we receive the message of your coming and the birth of your Son, may our lives be transformed and may we live to uphold your teachings, follow your instructions and live in union with your spirit through Christ our Lord.
    Fr Norbert Uchuno


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